Dissertations from 2010
Interactions in a two-way immersion program : impact and challenges, Yoko Koki
Community policing and leadership : perceptions of urban police chiefs, Daniel Lawson
With an eye on we : a teacher research study of students using narrative inquiry to critique Mexican American history, Enrique Luna
The effects of a self-regulation learning-strategies instructional program on middle-school students' use of learning strategies and study tools, self-efficacy, and history test performance, Elizabeth Lyons-Wagner
The role of Spanglish in the social and academic lives of second generation Latino students : students' and parents' perspectives, Araceli Osorio
African American college women in the San Francisco Bay Area : perceptions of Cross's nigrescence model and potential leadership style, Amber Picou-Broadnax
The emplotment of human dignity and social responsibility : college health promotion comes of age in the time of AIDS, Raymond Quirolgico
Community college transfer students' reflections of their needs, experiences, and persistence at a private four-year institution, Virginia Rios
The impact of immersion programs upon undergraduate students of Jesuit colleges and universities, John Savard
Choices and values in Catholic high school education : a study of parent decision making in the San Francisco Bay Area, Barry Thornton
Professional learning communities in elementary schools and how technologies are utilized, Sarah Zykanov
Dissertations from 2009
Home and identity in Cambodia : implications of the revolution and internal turmoil of the 1970s on children's right to education, Nadine Agosta
How do adolescent students experience teacher-student interactions in a seventh grade classroom and how do those experiences affect their self-efficacy beliefs?, Katherine Sanjiyan Barg
Children appropriating a new world of hope in Peru, Paraguay, and Haiti, Luis Enrique Bazan
In search of music equity in an urban middle school, John Calloway
Leadership and the other : ethical action through meaning in work, Rebecca L. Cisek
A qualitative study of how writing is used in Catholic secondary schools to foster students' metacognitive skill development, Bonnie Jean Davis
Career choice for doctoral students : a study of doctoral students in special education attenting colleges and universities in California, Max Elvin Driggs
Nurse educators' implementation of concept mapping, case studies, and reflective-thinking exercises in undergraduate didactic nursing courses at baccalaureate schools of nursing, Danette Kathleen Dutra
Administration practices of physical education teachers for the California Physical Fitness Test, Susan Lynn Eastham
Dying in the shadows of the lowlands : illuminating the Lao malaria crisis through leadership and imagination, Edgar M. Ednacot
Educational technology behaviors and expectations of students entering three dental programs : a bi-coastal study, Gwen (J. Gwendolyn) Essex
Understanding as the ultimate medium to resolve mistrust : re-imagining a new narrative between the United States and Iran, Ali Goldoust
The impact of practicing yoga on the organization : a study on stress reduction from the participants' perspectives, Tina Miao Hall
A reality check : the expectations high school seniors have about their first year of college, Brian R. Harke
High school English language arts teachers' conceptualizations of pedagogical content knowledge, Donna Hyatt Scarlett
A qualitative exploration of professional development for beginning principals in K-8 Catholic education in the San Francisco Bay Area, Sandra Elizabeth Jewett-Ramirez
A Critical Hermeneutic Approach to Understanding Experiences of Selected Afghan-Muslim-American Leaders Post-9/11 in the Diverse Bay Area, Belal A. Kaifi
The teller's tale : the role of the storyteller in the life of the story, Rachel Cummings Klein
Voices from the forest : leadership revealed through care, shared understanding, and imagination, Don Kraft
Surviving the Arctic : narrative identity of foreign women in Norway, Tamar Davis Larsen
The Lao language-- Our own world to fall back on" : Lao American students' critical reflections on heritage language maintenance and loss, Khonepheth Lily Liemthongsamout
Unkept promises : a critical analysis of hope disclosed in narratives of African American male youth living in group homes, Shadrach Linscomb
A qualitative study of an E-commerce organization in transition, Steven C. Lopez
Seeking refuge in urban America : refugee students in an international public high school in California, Nabila Massoumi
Appropriating the unspoken text : development discourse and Hmong women in Lao People's Democratic Republic, Kimberly C. Mendonca
The organization in front of the text : a critical hermeneutic inquiry in employee policy appropriation, Marisa B. Michaels
Relationship between self-care and knowledge levels among adults with congenital heart disease, Valerie Ann Miller Bosco
Latino students' experiences in comprehensive and continuation high schools, Maria Rosa Navarro
Nursing student and faculty perceptions of the characteristics of effective instructors in the simulated clinical experience, Bridget Parsh
Transformational leadership practices at a Northern California winery, Brian Douglas Phifer
Tradition and change in urban China : a critical hermeneutic inquiry of language, culture and identity in Shanghai, Amy E. Pierovich
African American males' perceptions of factors that contribute to high school completion, Samantha Marilyn Rainer
Organizational change and strategic schooling for English language learners : a case study, Silvia Ramirez
"So there we were--" : the stories told by chief petty officers in the United States Navy, explored through a complexity lens, Patricia Joanne Reily
The relationship between moving in early adolescence and adolescents' first employee-type jobs, Stuart J. Richardson
Going beyond our borders : global literature and teacher choice, Guy Andrew Scott Roberts
Demystifying success : critical reflections of African-American California community college students about factors leading to scholastic success during the first year, Robert Lee Snowden
Survival of the fittest : perceptions of the effectiveness of California's BTSA induction program, Marilys deLong Taylor
African American children in an urban foster care system : perceptions of disproportionality and demographics, Jeffrey W. Timms
Students', teachers', and parents' perspectives of an African centered program : ÃŽle Omode, Tiffany S. Wright
Dissertations from 2008
Experiences and perspectives of African American students and their parents in a two-way Spanish immersion program, Michele Anberg-Espinosa
The relationship between executive coaching and organizational performance of female executives as a predictor for organizational success, Lily Benavides
Imagining just discourse in policy-making : transnational space, identity, and the other, Annette Marie Caneda
Women college presidents : leading with authenticity, Cathy Frances Corcoran
An investigation of the quantity and type of female veterans' responses to Hepatitis C treatment screening and acceptance, Sue L. Currie
Vietnamese women's critical reflections on their adaptation to living in the United Sates, Mai Le Ho Del Buono
Warrior women : a qualitative content analysis of the perceptions of the experiences of Native American women in the academy, Onllwyn Cavan Dixon
The sound of ink : a Bakhtinian analysis of expressive intonation in written feedback on essays of first and second language community college students of English composition, Robertson Scott Erskine
The relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement in elementary-school children, Barbara A. Fatum
Beginning in the midst of the world : ethics, poetics and social change on an international stage, Michael Fontaine
The effect of instruction in orthographic conventions and morphological features on the reading fluency and comprehension skills of high-school freshmen, Alicia Roberts Frank
Transnational engagement in international community-based learning in higher education : a study in El Salvador, Mary E. Gallo
Firing the canon : identity negotiation among Chinese American youth through the mediation of multicultural literature, Susan Katrina Gold
A comparison of the perceptions of male students at coeducational and single gender Catholic high schools in regard to Catholic identity, William Hambleton
The impact of care : young African American males' perceptions of in-home, one-on-one tutoring, Aaron Lamont Horn
An exploration of self-reflection and critical-thinking exhibited in visual-arts students' portfolios at the secondary level, Barbara Ellen Hughes
Japanese students' autonomy in learning English as a foreign language in out-of-school settings, Kimiyoshi Inomata
Memory, promise, and imagination in Iraqi Kurdistan : leadership in education policy development, Jessica Lynn Jastad
Student satisfaction and empowerment through complaining in institutions of higher learning, Farbod Karimi
The effect of Responsiveness to Intervention tier 2 on underachieving students in vocabulary development at the secondary level, Elizabeth Gail Kirby
The effect of professional development of nonverbal communication behaviors of participants' regognition and understanding of these behaviors, Peggy Koshland-Crane
Creating and living authentic lives : finding ourselves in the midst of everydayness, John Jong Ho Lee
Journeys of purpose : an ontology of spirituality through work in memory, imagination, and authenticity, Therese M. Madden
An exploration of primary level (K-2) special education practices in the Catholic elementary school, Anna Teruel McDonald
Horizons of the world : imagining coexistence in language through understanding and refiguring of reality, Ayman A. Moussa
Imagining and creating new possibilities for self and society : narratives of Nepalese university students gone abroad, Kristine Nelson
Physical therapist students as moral agents during clinical internships, Terrence M. Nordstrom
Ethnic theme housing at Berkeley and Cornell : a critical hermeneutic understanding of ethnic identity, Daniel Ocampo