Dissertations from 2018
Impact of a School-Based Mindfulness Intervention on Children’s Self Regulation, Elizabeth Chaney
Exploring Factors Influencing the Willingness to Communicate among English-as-a-Second Language University Students, Chi-Fang (Michelle) Chang
What Do We Really Know About Grit? A Multivariate Statistical Investigation on the Construct Validity of Grit, Christine M. Collaco
The Impact of Ancestral Language Maintenance on Cultural Identity Among White Immigrant Descendants: A Phenomenological Qualitative Study, Micaella Elizabeth Colla
The Impact of Depressive Symptoms on Cognitive Decline and Risk for Dementia, Katheryn Conde
Perceptions of Barriers to Leadership Appointment and Promotion of African American Female Commissioned Officers in the United States Military, Beverly Henderson Davis
A Geospatial Analysis of a Transit Program on California Community College Students, Alicia Kathryn De Toro
An Attachment-Based Group Intervention, Shannon Dillon
Developing Intercultural Competence Through Online English Language Teaching, Didem Ekici
Mentoring and Academic Advising Experiences of Female Ph.D. Students with Children: A Qualitative Study, Alyssa Ferree
Athletic Identity and Mental Health: The Experiences of Black Male Former Student-Athletes, Miguel Frank
And At Once My Chains Were Loosed: How the Black Panther Party Freed Me from My Colonized Mind, Linda Garrett
Measuring Cogency in Argument in the Seventh-Grade English Classroom, Millie Gonzalez-Balsam
Teaching Academic Concepts in a Play-Based Preschool Environment: A Case Study of Guided Play across Three Classrooms, Lisa M. Hansen
Teaching Complex Content in Healthcare: A Comparison of the Effect of Three Types of Multimedia Pretraining on Schematic Knowledge and Near Transfer, Melisa Patrice Kaye
Using Multiliteracies to Engage and Empower Students with Complex Support Needs, Sudha Vaghul Krishnan
Experiences of Women STEM Professors Who Are Considering Leadership Positions at Research Universities, Cheri Liebow
Parental Coping in Filipino American Caregivers of Children with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities, Kathrynn Mabalot
Investigating the Causes and Cures for Unclear Scholarly Writing, Marlene Ingrid Mahony
An Examination of Bullying in Catholic Middle Schools in the Pacific and Mountain States in the United States, Margaret Murphey
Use of Multimedia Games for Biology Vocabulary Instruction, Ian Murray
Compassion Fatigue Among Mental Healthcare Providers and The Impact on Overall Wellbeing, Ruchi Patel
A Program Evaluation of a Drug and Alcohol Family Treatment Program, Katrina Ramirez
Inclusive Service Delivery in Jesuit Secondary Education: A case study of the Rodriguez Learning Services Program at Manresa Prep, Angelo Joseph Rizzo
Mission Enactment and Strategic Enrollment Management at Jesuit Universities, Drew Roberts
The Perceptions and Lived Experiences of African American Male Presidents in California Community Colleges, Tyree L. Robinson
Unlocking Creative Potential: Catholic Elementary School Principal Perceptions of Creativity, Kellie Scherer
An Investigation of the Developmental Growth of Preschool Children with Disabilities Being Served in Inclusive Settings in Comparison with Noninclusive Settings in California, Elizabeth Nicole Schroeder
The Perceptions of Saudi Arabia Higher Educational Leaders on Servant Leadership: The Use of Authority and Power, Areej Abdullah Shafai
Improvisation and Leadership Development: Understanding Improvisational Theater Arts as Leadership Skills, Jack Skalican
Exploring the Relationship Between Students' Perceptions of the Jesuit Charism and Students' Moral Judgement, Scott Swenson
Evaluating Outcomes of an Immersive-Field-Study Program on Fifth-Grade Students’ Connectedness with Nature, Laleh Talebpour
Building Bridges Across Difference Through International Summer Immersion Programs: A Narrative Inquiry in Racial Identity and Social Justice Orientation, Breanne Wing Tcheng
Access Without Equity: Institutional Logics of University Middle Managers and Valuing Diversity, Emerald Templeton
Perceptions of Primary School Principals in Singapore about Their Role as Justice Agents, Kit Wah Antonia Teng
Improving Medication Calculation Competence in Nursing Students through Schema-Based Dimensional Analysis Instruction, Laureen Turner
An Investigation into Full Range Leadership and Leadership Development Methods in Public Parks and Recreation Organizations in California, Heather Vilhauer
Entropy as a Method for Identifying Treatment Resistant Autism Spectrum Disorder, Nathan Wright
Peace Education in Kenya: Tracing Discourse and Action from the National to the Local Level, Kathleen louise Zanoni
Dissertations from 2017
Navigating Conflict in Inclusive Education: Autoethnography from an Elementary School Principal, Kimberly Christine Adams
Exploring the Experiences of Black Men as Respondents in University Student Conduct Processes, Brian Arao
Queens Speak - A Youth Participatory Action Research Project: Exploring Critical Post-Traumatic Growth among Black Girls within the School to Prison Pipeline, Stacey Michelle Ault
Testimonios of Latino/A Students in Hispanic Serving Institutions: Lessons for Community Colleges, Luz Briceno Moreno
Successful African American Community College Student Athletes’ Perceptions of Factors of Academic Success, Tanika Lee Byrd
Exploring the Leadership Practices of National Catholic Educational Association Distinguished Catholic Elementary School Principals and Defining the Leadership Needed to Survive the 21st Century Challenges, Natalie Ann Cirigliano
Exploring the Racial and Gender Identity Formation of Men of Color in Student Leader Roles who have white Women Supervisors and Advisors in Higher Education, Alejandro Frank Covarrubias
Social Loafing Construct Validity in Higher Education: How Well Do Three Measures of Social Loafing Stand Up to Scrutiny?, Jacquelyn Deleau
Factors and Characteristics of Alumni Role Identity: Implications for Practice in Higher Education Fundraising and Alumni Relations, Jay Le Roux Dillon
The Role of Self-Determination and Co-Construction to Support Meaningful Student Participation in an Individualized Education Program Meeting in High School, Trudy Ruth Gross
There is a Monster in my House, Cultura Cura Uncovering 11 Milliones de Sueños: Understanding the Emotional and Psychological Experiences of Undocumented and Mixed-Status Youth and Finding Healing Spaces, Belinda Marie Hernandez-Arriaga
Teaching the U.S. Civil Rights Movement and its Legacy through Critical Pedagogy in a Taiwanese High School, Ming-Kuo Hung
Culture Teaching and Learning in an Advanced Placement Chinese Course, Yu-Han Lin
Exploring Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) and Listening Strategy Instruction in A Chinese L2 Classroom, Yue Li
More Than a Silhouette: African American Women’s Graduate Student Experience, Bridget Holly Love
Community Members' Perspectives on the Thurgood Marshall Academic High School Riot: A Case Study of the Effects of Embedded Law Enforcement in High School, Kim-Shree Maufas
Papelitos: The Visual Testimonios of Undocumented College Students, Olivia Munoz
Investigating the Extent of Collaboration Between Jesuit Administrators and non-Jesuit Faculty and Staff in Jesuit Secondary Schools in the Eastern Africa Province: Staying True to Mission, Stephen Nzyoki Nduati
Differentiating Literacy Instruction for Digital Learners: The Effect of Multimedia Think-Aloud Worked Examples on Adolescent Analytical Reading Comprehension, Diana Combs Neebe
Writing-to-Learn in High-School Chemistry: The Effects of Using the Science Writing Heuristic to Increase Scientific Literacy, Denae Nurnberg
Folklórico Testimonios: Identity, Community, and Agency as Social Justice Cultural Performance for Dancers of Mexican Folklórico, Manuel Alejandro Perez
A Quantitative Analysis of a Critical Pedagogy in Catholic Secondary School Religious Studies Teachers in the San Francisco Bay Area, Alex Porter Macmillan
Understanding Translanguaging and Identity among Korean Bilingual Adults, Nancy Ryoo
Teaching English to Indian Vernacular Medium Students Through Technology: A Qualitative Study of Kolkata Jesuit Juniorate Program, Maria Joseph Savariappan
Epistemology, Wisdom, and Social Transformation: Strategies at the Forefront of the Contemplative Movement in Higher Education, Nicola Smith
Ready to Lead? An Examination of the Alignment of California Preservice School Leaders’ Fieldwork Experiences with State Leadership Standards, Sandie Stringfellow
The Educational Dimensions of Filipina Migrant Workers’ Activist Identities, Rowena Magdalena Tomaneng
Individual and Intra-Individual Differences in Interest during Instrumental Music Classes in Suburban High Schools, Beth Ann Turner
Dissertations from 2016
A Moving Imagination in Spaces of Distress: Teacher and Student Agency in a Science Classroom, Annie Sunshine Adamian
Arabic Teachers' Perception of an Integrated Approach for Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language in Colleges and Universities in the United States, Abeer Al-Mohsen
Nuancing Human Rights Discourse and Practice: Perspectives from Myanmar, Amy Marie Argenal
The Effectiveness of Graphic Organizers to Support Executive Function for Ninth Grade Struggling Readers, Elaine Ruth Barry
The Adjustment of First Year African American Women to Predominately White Institutions: Implications for Best Practices, Maisha Beasley
San Francisco Bay Area School Districts Contracted with California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) and the Impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, Michael David Blanco
Effects of the Green Life Nature Education Program for 4th Grade Students Who Attend Bay Area Title One Schools: a Mixed-methods Study, Jessica Blundell
“Leadership Means Moving A Community Forward”: Asian American Community College Students And Critical Leadership Praxis, Melissa Ann Loredo Canlas
Voices of Female, Rural Superintendents as They Implement California's Local Control Funding Formula Policy, Claudia Coughran
Counter-Narratives of Palestinian-American Youth: Resistance, Resilience and Transnational Identity, Kelly Delaney
Exploring the Emergence of Global Citizen Identity in Youth, Deborah Ann Farrington Padilla
Implicit Theories and Perceptions of Academic Changes Among Teachers in Lasallian Secondary Schools in the San Francisco New Orleans District, Heidi M. Harrison
Understanding the Relationship Between Teacher and Organizational Intercultural Competency in International Schools: A Mixed Methods Study, Sally Emily Hirsch
Workplace Violence, Organizational Culture, and Registered Nurses' Incident Reporting Patterns in Acute Hospitals in California, Feodora Jacobsen
Effect of Mindfulness Training on Interpretation Exam Performance in Graduate Students in Interpreting, Julie E. Johnson
Building Communicative Competence: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of an Intensive Japanese-Language Program, Yukiko Konishi
The Life Experiences of Ten Female Refugees from Iraq and Iran: An Oral History Research Study, Nicole Ludwig
Girls and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) in Catholic Schools: A Mixed Methods Exploration of Interest, Confidence, and Perceptions of STEM, Rachel Lynn-Pleis McKenna
Training in Summarizing Notes: Effects of Teaching Students a Self-Regulation Study Strategy in Science Learning, Michelle Mendoza Nebres
Implementation and Strategies to Address Sensory Regulation of Students with and without Disabilities in Two Kindergarten Classrooms, Yvette Rosil Mere-Cook
Plugging Into Movement Work: White Racial Justice Action in the Era of Colorblind Racism, Garrett Naiman