Dissertations from 2008
Imagining and creating new possibilities for self and society : narratives of Nepalese university students gone abroad, Kristine Nelson
Physical therapist students as moral agents during clinical internships, Terrence M. Nordstrom
Ethnic theme housing at Berkeley and Cornell : a critical hermeneutic understanding of ethnic identity, Daniel Ocampo
The effects of modeling on the movement confidence of individuals with spinal cord injuries, Nathan Perkins
A content analysis of the two state-approved kindergarten and first grade reading programs in California, Elizabeth Anne Presley
Ladies Who Launch organization : a case study of women entrepreneurs, Dorothy Raab
Interpreting globalization : memory to understanding, Arvind Ramakrishnan
Developing ethnic identity through Chicano, Sophia Santana Ramirez
Investigating social-desirability bias in self-reporting on motivational attitudes by adult students, Larisa Revzina
Refiguring technology : emerging understandings in adult learning, Scott M. Rosen
The effect of simulated clinical experience on knowledge, near transfer, and far transfer in nursing education, Shana Ruggenberg
First-year learning of novice emergency-hire clinical nursing faculty : a qualitative study, Ingrid Sheets
The relationship among working memory, mathematics anxiety, and mathematics achievement in developmental mathematics courses in community college, Janet Marie Spybrook
African American parent groups as a context for the activation of social capital : a case of parent empowerment through transformational leadership, Ajamu T. Stewart
Instructional strategies and teacher-student interaction in the classrooms of a Chinese immersion school, Tsueylin Tracy Wang
Dissertations from 2007
Through the lens of the adolescent : a survey of at-risk behaviors, Sandra L. Ahmann
Jaula de oro : growing up as an undocumented Latin@ immigrant in the United States, JuanCarlos Arauz
Motivations of Jewish adolescents in a British Hebrew school : identity, socialization, and language learning, Vikki Lynn Atkinson
A case study : academic achievement in an after-school tutoring program with Black middle school youth, Errie Denan Bohanon
Fostering a Latino academic consciousness : 4th grade students' experience in a college preparatory curriculum, Claudia Maria Canizales
Indigenous linguistically and culturally connected community health educators/promotoras : preventing HIV/AIDS in the Latino community, Alba Lucia Diaz-Cuellar
System-wide collaborative and consultation supports to child-care providers serving young urban children with disabilities in natural-environment center-based programs, Martina Kaumbulu Ebesugawa
Shared governance at Gavilan College : a case study, Matthew Escover
An analysis of 2005 NAEP 8th grade mathematics achievement items by content strand, problem type and language complexity, Yvette Marie Fagan
Hear our voices : African American parent and student perspectives for promoting academic excellence in elementary schooling, Bweikia Foster
A meta-analysis of functional behavioral assessments of students with high-incidence disabilities in public education settings, Jeff Gabrielson
Touching the spirit as a motivating factor for African American students to achieve academic excellence, E'leva D.H. Gibson
Community and college partnerships for student retention in higher education : critical reflections of Pilipino American young adults, Ingrid Mariano Gonzales
Undergraduate students' perceptions of their Holocaust and genocide education, Carol Berry Hurwitz
A content analysis of church documents relative to the role of Catholic schools and universities in Nigeria in the process of inculturation, Edward Inyanwachi
Revisiting the language-music relationship : exploring pitch recognition and discourse intonation in adult ESL students, Katherine Gambs Knickerbocker
Adopting Handala : deconstructing Jordanian and Palestinian refugee notions of coexistence and transnational consciousness, Marianne Maurice Marar
The quest for tenure-track faculty positions by community college adjunct faculty, Leandra Powell Martin
Resiliency and attribution factors associated with racially and ethnically diverse adolescents with learning disabilities, Karen Yvette Cruter McGee
The impact of participation in collegiate athletics on women athletes' academic experience at select Jesuit universities, Hillary D. McKinney
Alcohol and drug service providers' perceptions of interagency collaboration with child welfare services, Verronda L. Moore
The perceptions of volunteers regarding their motives, rewards, and challenges at the Saint Anthony Foundation in San Francisco, California, Godbertha K. Muganda
African heritage in Cuban literature for children and young adults : a participatory study with Nersys Felipe and Teresa Cárdenas, Dulce Maria Perez Castillo
Success factors in mergers and acquisitions : complexity theory and content analysis perspectives, Lena Petsa-Papanicolaou
Espoused curriculum and philosophy and curriculum and philosophy-in-use in a K-12 public charter school system, Elizabeth G. Polito
Fighting the freeloader effect : cooperation, attitude, and achievement in a Jesuit secondary math classroom, Kevin Quattrin
The professional expertise of community-practicing occupational therapists, Ruth Ramsey
The implications of technology for women of Pakistan in higher education : a qualitative analysis, Anniqua Rana
A survey of the perceptions of the senior students on the achievement of the Jesuit educational ideals in two Jesuit secondary schools in Madagascar, Jean de Dieu Randrianaivo
The effect of optimistic explanatory style instruction on the explanatory style, reading self efficacy, reading resilience and reading performance of third-fifth grade students with learning disabilities, Melba Rhodes-Stanford
Working memory cross-modal binding and decoding ability in children in the first and second grades, Eduardo Sanchez
Transformational leadership practices of deans and the perceived organizational culture of United Arab Emirates public universities : a regression analysis study, Mouwafac Sidaoui
Emotional intelligence and leadership practices among human service program managers, Cynthia Sims-Vanzant
Dissertations from 2006
An exploration of adolescent spirituality in a single-gender urban Catholic high school : a phenomenological inquiry, Elizabeth E. O'Donnell
Dissertations from 2005
Tourism of a different kind in "God's own country" : a critical hermeneutic exploration of socioeconomic development in Kerala, India, Ayliffe B. Mumford
Dissertations from 2003
The Principal's Role in Promoting Success for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students: A Participatory Research Study, Maria Norma Martinez
Intercultural Communication Between Caucasian Unitedstatesians and Salvadorians: Implications for Team Dynamics, Gabriela Couch Melano
Dissertations from 2001
Children's Song-Makers as Messengers of Hope: Participatory Research with Implications for Teacher Educators, Peter J. Baird
The impact of training on the attitudes of mental health professionals toward borderline personality disorder, Suzanne R. Fraser
Tellin' It Like It Is: Disempowerment and Marginalization of First-generation, Low-income College Students: a Participatory Research, Charlene P. Lobo
Coming to Voice: Exploring the Experiences of Teacher Education and Special Education Professors of African Descent in Institutions of Higher Education, Kimberly L. Mayfield
Sources of Empowerment for Native American Women: Pomo Women's Critical Reflections, Heidi F. Morgan
Dissertations from 2000
The Lozanov method, Ryan James
Changing and Choosing Together: A Case Study on Improving Professional Development and Student Achievement Through a Teacher-Initiated Early Literacy Program, Theresa Connor Molinelli
Dissertations from 1999
Increasing Access to the University of California: A Case Study of Senate Constitutional Amendment 7, Jamillah Moore
The Relationship Between Attitudes Toward First-Language Maintenance and First-Language Literacy Skills Among Japanese Children Sojourning in the San Francisco Bay Area, Yumi Moriguchi-McCormick
Dissertations from 1998
Making Meaning Transformative Art Education for Middle School, Julia Marshall
Dissertations from 1997
A Creative Thinking and Writing Analysis Workshop as an Alternative Detention Activity to Silence and Work Interventions Used for Behavioral Change in High School, George J. Matranga
Dissertations from 1996
A study of the relationship between conditions present in managers' families of origin and the behavior of managers in workplace relationships, Jane Henderson-Loney
Transitions to U.S. Private Schools: Perceptions of Six Immigrant Elementary School Boys, Philip Manwell
Beyond Survival: A Case Study of the Milwaukee Urban Waldorf School, Phaizon Rhys Wood
Dissertations from 1993
A Participatory Study of the Self-Identity of Kibei Nisei Men: A Sub Group of Second Generation Japanese American Men, William T. Masuda
Dissertations from 1987
The relationship of short-term visual memory to written spelling : in average fifth-grade readers when sequential and simultaneous presentation is compared, A. Terry Richardson
Dissertations from 1981
Dissertations from 1979
Implementing AB 3408 (HART BILL) in the Petaluma High School District: A Case Study, Gerald J. Dadey