"School Leaders' and Educators' Perceptions of Ignatian Identity at Jes" by William Bludgus

Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


School of Education


Leadership Studies


Catholic Educational Leadership EdD

First Advisor

Ursula Aldana

Second Advisor

Michael Duffy

Third Advisor

Desiree Zequera

Fourth Advisor

William Hobbs


This study utilized a mixed-methods, embedded multiple-case study approach; school leaders and educators were invited to complete the study’s survey, and three in-depth interviews were conducted at each school. The six Jesuit, Cristo Rey schools in the study were those, which are solely sponsored by the Society of Jesus, and which have existed for at least eight years. The study’s survey instrument, the CRIGNIS, is an adaptation of the Jesuit Schools Network’s IGNatian Identity Survey; each item of the CRIGNIS was validated for alignment to one of the ten “distinguishing criteria” from What Makes a Jesuit High School Jesuit? (Jesuit Conference, 2011).

The results from this study showed that, in general, the Ignatian identity across the schools was perceived to be fairly strong; “Genuine care about each individual student” and “Being a loving community” were perceived as the schools’ greatest “strengths.” A number of diverse “challenges” regarding Ignatian identity emerged through this study as well. In addition to overarching trends, the case studies showed that each school presented its own unique “strengths” and “challenges.” Furthermore, this study showed great opportunities for Ignatian identity at Jesuit, Cristo Rey schools; namely, through the CWSP, by connecting with the lived realities and demographics of their students, and through the continued formation of adults at the schools. There is still work to be done for schools to realize their full potential and the many gifts of being both “Jesuit” and “Cristo Rey.”
