Master's Projects/Capstones from 2015
Health Hub Program Evaluation, Natalie Macias
Performing a correct surgical time out, Natalia E. Mariscal
The Palestinian Museum in California: A Fundraising Plan, Lydia Marouf
Implementing a Rib Fracture Management Pathway and PIC Scoring Tool to Reduce ICU Readmissions, Susan Mastroianni
In-Patient Self-Management Diabetes Education, Amy Matthews
Improving Management of Inpatient Blood Glucose, Rachael K. Misitano
Switching to Celsius to Improve Patient Outcomes, Kimberly A. Montague
Incentives to Incarcerate: Corporation Involvement in Prison Labor and the Privatization of the Prison System, Alythea S. Morrell
Groundwater Banking in Imperial Irrigation District: Planning for Future Water Scarcity on the Colorado River, Sara Morton
Improving Influenza Compliance Using a Reminder System, Beverly N. Motta
Understanding Core and Supportive Processes, Cora M. Murphy
Reinventing the Medical Request Process in a Correctional Healthcare Setting, Leah Murphy
Improving Patient Safety by Calculating the QT Correction in Critical Care Patients, Diane F. Newcombe
Global Health Security Agenda Legal Landscape Assessment, Natasha M. Nussbaum
Barriers Encountered by Nurses and Nursing Assistants that Prevent Purposeful Rounding, Mar Joseph B. Odias
Effective Mitigation of Sedimentation on Riparian Riverbeds and Salmonid Populations After Dam Removal, Monica Oey
Using American pop songs in EFL classrooms, MIHEA OH
Patient Centered Medication Education Monitoring: Validating the Efficacy of Patient Medication Education in Promoting Healthy Patient Outcomes, tara l. okullo
The City as Our Museum: A Mobile Tour Proposal for the Filipino Social Heritage District in San Francisco's South of Market Neighborhood, Sabrina L. Oliveros
Reduced A1C Levels Through Diabetes Self-Management Strategies in the Teen Population: A Systematic Review, Nicole O'Neil
Increasing HPV Awareness and 3-Dose Series Compliance Among the Female Population (Ages 11-26) in a Community Health Clinic, Vanessa Orozco
Increasing Self Care Compliance with Follow-up Appointments, Elsa T. Owens
Preventing Surgical Site Infections by Utilizing CHG Wipes for Preoperative Skin Preparation, Jini K. Paek
A Deeper Semiotic Richness: Empowering English Language Students Through Digital Storytelling, Karah Parks
Improving patient safety by decreasing restraint use, Francesca R. Pearl
Improving Patient Satisfaction, Wait Times, and Access to Care in a College Health Setting; Expanding the RN Role as Prescribing Agent With Standardized Procedures, Kimberly D. Perris
Decrease Arrival to CT Time to Improve Stroke Outcomes, Curt Peterson
The Food Education Project: Teaching Nutrition through Environmental Awareness, Caren R. Pinto
Home Health: The Process of Assigning an Appropriately Trained Skilled Nurse to Provide Safe Patient Care, Susanne Polos, MSN, RN, CNL
Beyond Access to Education: Using Collaborative Learning to Promote Agency in Unauthorized Latinos Entering Community College, Amanda C. Price
Surface and Subsurface Application of Chemical Dispersants and Associated Ecosystem Impacts, Adam V. Radpour
A Plan for Managing the Alexander Graham Bell-Joseph Henry Rare Book Collection in the Smithsonian’s Dibner Library, Fahimeh Rahravan
Reducing Preventable Emergency Department Visits by Improving Patient Care Access to Primary Care, Lizeth Rodriguez
Social Emotional Learning and Mindfulness: Learning to be Human, Jena-Lee Rogers
Improving Patient Satisfaction through Reducing Nurse Overtime and Redesigning Nurse Staffing and Scheduling, Abby Romme
A Call For Environmental Justice: Water Access and Alcohol Policies, Alexandra Rosalsky
Barriers to Leaving Poverty, Aouie R. Rubio
Strategies for Chronic Disease Prevention in California: Focus on Research, Policy, and Coalition Building, Alexandra E. Russell
Improving Pre-Operative Education Among Pediatric Tonsillectomy Patients, Erin K. Sadowski
Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance to Reduce CLABSI Rate in Oncology ICU, Lorenzo D. San Pedro
Delirium Education for Nurses on a Medical-Surgical Unit, Carole Santos
Teaching Respect, Inclusion, and Acceptance in Ethnically and Culturally Diverse Early Childhood Classrooms, Romina S. Sapinoso
Monitoring biodiversity of San Francisco Peninsula grasslands using Lepidoptera as a bioindicator, Jonathan B. Sifuentes-Winter
Triage Training: Improving Access to Care, Leslie D. Simpson-Crawford
Urban Stormwater Management: Treatment of Heavy Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons with Bioretention and Permeable Pavement Technologies, Viktoriya Sirova
Implementation of a Debrief “Takeaway” board, Carly A. Skeath
Implementation of a Warming Protocol to Prevent Inadvertent Perioperative Hypothermia in the Ambulatory Surgical Setting, Joan Abigail Slagle
Teaching English in Saudi Arabia Through the Use of Multimedia, LINAH A. SOFI
An Americans with Disabilities Act Policy For Aquarium of the Bay, Kathleen R. Speulda-Schlier
Accessible Exhibition Planning Through the Use of Multisensory Artwork, Amber I. Spicer
Implementing a Diabetic Education Program at Ho'ola Lahui Hawaii Kaua'i Community Health Center, Debra A. Spung
Empowering Patients with Central Venous Catheters: Utilizing Evidence-Based Video-Assisted Education to Reduce Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections, Pritam C. Steiner
Advocating for Women's Health: The Importance of Family Planning Clinics, Elizabeth A. Stumm
Minimizing Inpatient Readmissions Through the Use of Discharge Phone Calls, Vilaylack Sydara
Improving Medication Reconciliation on Admission and Discharge in the Behavioral Health Adult Partial Hospitalization Program, Jiawei Tabayoyong
CHF Education and Readmission Reduction, Whitney K. Taft
Improving Nurse-patient Communication about New Medicines, Srimala Thinsan
Increasing the Rate of Successful Treatment in Pregnant Methamphetamine Users Through Integrated Policy and Protocol Development, Mika J. Tibbs Ms
Reducing CLABSI in the NICU with IV Tubing Competency, Tessa A. Toscano Ms
Monitoring non compliant diabetic A1C levels, Laura J. Tracy
Encouraging ESL Teachers to Empower Their Students to Read, Rachael M. Van Liefde
Decreasing Delayed Patient Transfers Prior to Shift Change, Connie M. Vazquez
Quantify Blood Loss to Prevent Escalation of Blood Loss, Manprit Virk
Limiting Exposure to Isoflurane in a Veterinary Occupational Setting, Richard A. Votava
Hepatitis C: A Perspective Through the Social Ecological Model, Sandra H. Vulis
Engaging San Francisco’s Western Addition in a Community Needs Assessment: A Field Work Report, Bridget Walsh-Dahlberg
Improved Satisfaction on Postpartum Unit by Implementing a Discharge Nurse Role, Nicole Ware RN, MSN
Prioritizing the Management of Arundo Donax: Recommendations for Removal and Revegetation in California Riparian Habitats, Matthew S. Waterworth
Improving Patient Safety Through Accurate Medication Reconciliation, Dominique Watt
Improving Hand Off Communication to Enhance Patient Outcomes and Staff Satisfaction, Karin Weinstock
Preoperative Education: A Patient-Centered Care Approach, Gia L. Wendt
Assessing the Needs of IHSS Providers, Renesha M. Westerfield
Enhancing ESL Instruction Through Reflective Teaching: A Resource Guide for Administrators of Intensive English Programs, Wesley Weston
Perinatal Patient Management, Natalie Whitten
Enhancing Education of Medication Side Effects to Improve Patient Outcomes, Kyle R. Woolley
Supplementing ESL Classroom Activities With Social Media For Young Adult Learners, Clair M. Yeo
Evaluation of 21st Century Skills in Museum Field Trips, Melissa A. Zabel
Reducing Clostridium Difficile, Norabel V. Zafra
Early Childhood Bilingual Education: A Curriculum to Teach Kindergarteners in China to Develop Primary Speaking and Listening Skills in English, Xiaotian Zhang
Master's Projects/Capstones from 2014
Prevention of HIV Mother-To-Child-Transmission in sub-Saharan Africa, Sidik Abdul-Mumuni
Content-Based Instruction and Corpus Linguistics Curriculum for Early Advanced EFL Saudi Students, Ahmed Alattar
Nutrition Education and Community Advocacy at Marin Health and Human Services, Anna C. Allison
SFMOMA PopUp Art as a Tool of Social Justice, Elinoar Almagor
Increasing Compliance of Personal Protective Equipment S election and Use for Isolation Precautions Among RNs & NAs on a Med-Surg Unit, Megan R. Alsmeyer
Empowering Female English Language Learners to Pursue Computer Science Fields: A Practical 4-Hour Workshop for Beginning Teachers in High School, Osaro Althouse
The Wireless Museum: Broadcasting a Revolution, Merrill Amos
Minimizing Avoidable Interruptions During Medication Administration, Jaleel Anne Arnado
Emergency Preparedness on an Inpatient Hospital Unit, Hailee Marie Barnes
Improving Interdisciplinary Communication to Improve Patient Satisfaction, Jennifer J. Barnes
Project Management Capstone, Alexa Beaman
Stories that Take You Places: A Mobile App for the GLBT History Museum, Leah Belcher
Healthy and Livable Pittsburg Initiative: Master of Public Health Culminating Experience, Jasmine L. Bernal
Deep Energy Retrofits Using the Integrative Design Process: Are they Worth the Cost, Daniel S. Bertoldi
Museum Studies Capstone Project: Proposal for an Exhibition Development Project Management Plan, Cornelia Bleul-Gohlke
County of San Mateo Adolescent Report 2014-2015 Youth and Adults Working Together for a Healthy Future, Vanessa D. Bolton