Master's Projects/Capstones from 2016
Mental Health Workout: Lifting Stigma, Jeremy Bambery
Improving Pain Reassessment and Documentation Through Nurse Education, Reina Batto
Preventing Blood Component Administration Errors, Michelle N. Bealer
Vitamin D, Calcium and Blood Pressure in the U.S., Sarah Bean
Northern San Francisco Bay Ecological Risk Assessment: Potential Crude by Rail Incident, Meagan Bowis
Standards of Care and Practice to Reduce Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections, Susan Brennan
Admission Handoff Between Emergency Department and Inpatient Units, Amanda A. Briones
Creating Exhibits for Small History Museums on a Limited Budget, Annveig Bugge
Approach to Safety Improvement: Focusing on Better Care (Fall Prevention in Medical Surgical/Intermediate Care Unit), Jose Fox Caballes Jr
Improving Preadmission Testing Nurses' Knowledge of Aortic Stenosis and Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement, Alberta Lynn Canale
Reducing the Length of Stay for Patients with Stable/Nonoperative Pelvic Fractures by Working with a Multidisciplinary Team, Meaghan E. Carroll
Altering the Management of Hydroelectric Facilities in California to Account for Climate Change, Sarah N. Carter
Innovative Techniques for Inspiring EFL Students' Enthusiasm and Participating in English Classroom Activities, Yinghung Natalie Chiang
Improving Workplace Wellness at Kaiser Permanente, Megan Conolly
Developing Children’s Education Materials for the SFO Museum at the San Francisco International Airport, Lauren Dare
The Application of the Literature Review Appraisal Toolkit on Environmental Health Systematic Reviews, Kristen M. Davis
Fall Prevention in Acute Psychiatric Patients, Jeannette Deano
Strategies to Prevent Hospital Transfers in the SNF Environment, Vinai P. Decena
Extended Family Model in Reducing Infant Mortality: Case Study of the Birthing Project USA, Mansi Dedhia
Managing Postoperative Pain for Timely Discharge of Total Hip Replacement Patients, Elmer de Leon
Obstetric Triage Improvement, Whitney DePaoli
Decolonize Your Diet, Jasmine A. Deras
Chlorhexidine Gluconate Bathing in Hospitalized Patients: Reducing Barriers and Increasing Compliance Rate, Maria R. Dominguez
Reducing Medication Errors by Systematically Monitoring High-Risk Medications, Jenifer D. Dunivin
How can occupancy modeling and occupancy sensors reduce energy usage in academic buildings: An application approach to University of San Francisco, Paloma R. Duong
Stroke Outreach in the Lao Community, Noor A. Dythavon
Nurse Shift Handoff Report at the Patient's Bedside: Improving Nurse-to-Nurse Communication, Francis R. Estrella
Decreasing Wait Times for New Referrals to an Outpatient Specialty Clinic, Marlene A. Evans
Breast Cancer Fund: Power Mapping for Policy Change, Roxanna Firouzian
Assessment of Falls Protocol Use on Medical-Surgical Units, Angelique E. Fulgencio
Educating medication aides about safe medication administration, derya fuller
Decreasing Interruptions at the Bedside, Megan Fung
Exploring Masculinity For a Healthy Campus Culture, Jason M. Gant
Achieving Access: Designing a Museum Accessibility Consulting Firm, Lauren J. Garnese
Quality Improvement: An Update for Outpatient Oncology Education, Nicole R. Gee
Partnerships for Change: A Collaboration for Global Wellbeing, Ravneet Gill
The Complexity of Non-profit Administration in Global Development: A Case-Study on Neonatal Mortality, Paul D. Glantz
Hidden Museum: A Behind-the-Scenes Tour for Contemporary Audiences, Michael B. Glazier
Increasing Patient Satisfaction and Decreasing Hospital Readmission Due to Deep Venous Thrombosis by Providing Anticoagulation Education for Orthopedic Patients, Margaret Gniewosz
Use of the Patient Whiteboard to Improve Communication of Pain Medication Schedule, Carmela Gonzalez-Shalaby MSN, RN
An ESL Instructor's Guidebook for Reducing Test Anxiety at the Community College Level Through Exploring Alternatives in Assessment, Allison D. Grant
Molding Minds for Peace: A Curriculum for Early Childhood Educators to Teach Peacebuilding Concepts and Skills, Marissa D. Gray
UNICEF Kid Power: Empowering Kids to Get Active and Save Lives, Emily L. Gudaitis
Teaching Academic Skills to Chinese Undergraduate Students in U.S. Academic Institutions, Ruisi Gui
Preventing and Reducing CLABSI with Daily 2% CHG Wipes, karen ha
Lotuses Rising: Fostering Southeast Asian Community Cultural Wealth Through Arts Based Culturally Specific Programming, Rhummanee Hang
Museums in Collaboration: A Study of the Joint Relationships between Native Communities and Small Museums, Olivia M. Havens
Impacts to Anadromous Fish through Groundwater Extraction, Aaron Hebert
Accessibility and Technology: Remote Access to Art through Telepresence Robotics, Jenna M. Hebert
Artificial Recharge of Groundwater with Recycled Municipal Wastewater in the Pajaro Valley, Olivia Heir
Curating Adjacent Shores: A Contemporary Art Exhibition at USF's Thacher Gallery, Nell C. Herbert
Standardized Blood Transfusion Documentation, Kelly A. Hill
Modernizing the Integrated Approach: A Dynamic Teaching Method Using Podcasts and Multimedia Content, Justin T. Hughes
Enhancing English Language Proficiency in Taiwan’s Heterogeneous EFL Classrooms through Informed Cooperative Learning Strategies, Donald S. Jacobson
Preventing HAPUs in High-Risk Cardiac Cath Patients Using Foam Dressing Protocol, Charles Jasper
Pharmacovigilance in Post-Marketing: Risk Assessment and Reporting Standards, Tiffany Jee
Debriefing in the Emergency Department, Alyssa Johnson
Lactation Clinic: Improving Patient Lactation Support, Iana Johnson
Improving Data Collection to Reduce Maternal and Infant Mortality and Morbidity in Malawi: Evaluating Chimwemwe mu'bereki, a Community Based Intervention, Alexandra E. H. Jones
Creating Curriculum Cartographers to Instruct English Language Learners and Support Heritage Languages, Christopher Kaiser
Code Switching in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, George H. Keller
Improvement of Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) Documentation in Home Care to Boost Medicare Star Rating, Jennifer Kernohan
Implementing Ways to Reduce Catheter-associated Urinary Infections (CAUTIs), Maryam Keyhani
Veto Syria: Explaining the Power of the United Nations Security Council and the Syrian Refugee Crisis, Hanouf Khallaf
Passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Museum Collections, Owen Kinser
After School Programs: Space For Caring and Community Cultural Wealth, Stacey Krywaruczenko
Educating Nurses on the Use of the Bedside Mobility Assessment Tool (BMAT) to Create a Culture of Safety, Kaylin C. Laine
Salvinia molesta: An Assessment of the Effects and Methods of Eradication, Arti Lal
Exploring the Role of Pharmacists in Management of Hypertension in a Safety Net Clinic, Pandora Lau
Community Health Needs Assessment and American Hospital Association, Suleman Lawal
Increasing Chlorhexidine (CHG) Daily Bathing Compliance, Jonathan Lee
Teaching Diversity through Multicultural Children's Literature: A Guidebook for Korean English Elementary School Teachers, Yeon Sook Lee
Intranasal Naloxone Adminstration Education, Natalie O. Levchenko
Enhancing Chinese EFL Learners' Oral English Through Multimedia, Yueting Liu
Critical Pedagogy and Peace Education in International Service-Learning: A Curriculum Exploring Race, Positionality, Power, and Privilege, Lissette A. Lizárraga
Reducing the Incidence of Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers by Enhancing the Role of Unit-Based Skin Champions, Anne V. Loewenthal
Humanistic Approach vs. Technological Approach: Accelerate Language Learning by Having Fun In the Sun, Alex M. Lopez
The Mexican Water Forest: benefits of using remote sensing techniques to assess changes in land use and land cover, Maria F. Lopez Ornelas
Truths of Indian Boarding School: A Symposium, Dedric Lupe
Improving Unit Dynamics: Incorporating Lead Nurse Program on a Medical-Surgical Unit, Kara Mace
Riding the Wave: How the Philanthropic Revolution will Impact Museums in the United States and Canada, Sarah M. Mackey
Strengthening Specimen Management to Eliminate Specimen Errors, Angelica Mande
Reducing the Time It Takes to Execute a Legal Hold on Patients Currently on a Voluntary Status and to Transport Them to a Locked Inpatient Psychiatric Facility, Ariel Cris B. Manipula
¿Como se dice “Techie” en Español?: An English Language Development Curriculum to Prepare Latinx High School Students to Enter San Francisco’s Tech Workforce, Caitlin E. Martin
Introducing Self-Advocacy Skills to Transition Age Youth, Monique Y. Martinez
Evaluation of the Nursing Handoff Process from Emergency Department to In-Patient Unit, Yana Marutyan
Symptoms, Contributing Factors, and Screening For Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders in U.S. Latinas: A Literature Review, Jennifer N. S. Massie
Chronic Pain Management in the Inpatient Care Setting, Addie J. McClendon
Culturally Aware Teaching: A Supplemental Reference Guide for Intermediate Secondary School English Language Learners, Jessica A. McCrane
Recovery-Oriented Care and Inpatient Psychiatric Nursing Practice, Julia M. McLaughlin
Decentralized Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Feasibility Study for the College of Marin, Kentfield, CA, Danielle Morgan McPherson
History in Collaboration: Equalizing the Arts and the Humanities in San Francisco, Nicole C. Meldahl