Date of Graduation

Fall 12-16-2016

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions

First Advisor

Dr. Karin Blais

Second Advisor

Dr. Elena Capella



Improving Process on Oral Anticoagulant Education for Orthopedic Patients

The aim of this project is to improve anticoagulation education for orthopedic patients to increase patient satisfaction. The microsystem for this project is a medical-surgical (MS), 50-bed unit in a medium size hospital. Because orthopedic patients are at high risk to develop DVT postoperatively, proper anticoagulants and anticoagulation education is an important aspect of patient care. By implementing a well-designed and easy-to-read patient handout on anticoagulants with instructional script for nurses will empower patients to achieve higher level of anticoagulant knowledge and in result, increase patient satisfaction. A preliminary round of surveys showed that 58% of the surveyed patients did not get the information on the anticoagulants. These findings correlate with the results from the survey of patients’ experiences conducted by The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) which demonstrates that there is a vast amount of variability regarding patient knowledge of anticoagulants. Utilization of Roger’s spread characteristics helped me to visually examine the purpose, the barriers, and the practicality of implementing anticoagulation education for orthopedic patients. Effective methods of anticoagulation patient education include written materials and face-to-face interaction with trained professional and teach-back method to reinforce the educational process. To check the results, I am implementing the Anticoagulation Knowledge Tool (AKT), a “tool to assess patient’s anticoagulant knowledge” (Obamiro, Chalmers, Bereznicki, 2016). One of the relevant articles, Interventions for implementation of thromboprophylaxis in hospitalized medical and surgical patients at risk for venous thromboembolism (2013), was uniquely relevant to my research. The authors, searched, reviewed, and analyzed databases and pertinent articles. The results showed that “having a multifaceted approach that combines various interventions, including education appears to have significant benefit for VTE outcomes. For the nurses, the most important aspect of caring for patients taking oral anticoagulants is patient safety. The nurses need to ensure that patients are suitable for treatment and have adequate information and an opportunity to ask questions. The project is still in its implementation phase, and the results, conclusions, and recommendation are not yet available.

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