"Molding Minds for Peace: A Curriculum for Early Childhood Educators to" by Marissa D. Gray

Date of Graduation

Winter 12-16-2016

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Arts in International and Multicultural Education (IME)


School of Education


International and Multicultural Education (IME)

First Advisor

Rosa Jimenez


The United States is amidst a period of substantial growth in diversity. This diversification along with feelings of anti-immigrant sentiment has also led to an increase in tension and violence. Molding Minds for Peace: A Curriculum for Early Childhood Educators To Teach Peacebuilding Concepts is a project designed to teach early childhood students the skills that they need to peacefully navigate conflict and difference. After exploring literature about early childhood education/development, multicultural education, and peace education, this project provides early childhood educators with six complete lesson plans that are fully ready for implementation. These lessons have been developed in such a way that the outcomes revolve around peace building skills including cultural awareness and understanding, identifying and managing emotions, empathy, conflict resolution, and cooperation. The project also offers limitations and recommendations for implementation.
