"Quantify Blood Loss to Prevent Escalation of Blood Loss" by Manprit Virk

Date of Graduation

Summer 8-17-2015

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions



The CNL project’s aim is to implement quantifying blood loss (QBL) after each delivery to prevent the escalation of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), and decrease maternal mortality and morbidity related to PPH in Maternal Child Health (MCH). This project is initiated in a Northern California acute-care facility’s MCH department, which consists of: childbearing women pregnant at gestation age of more than thirty-four weeks, and women post delivery. According to CMQCC (2014), 1-3% of pregnancies are affected by postpartum hemorrhage, and the acute-care facility has a current postpartum hemorrhage rate of 2.7%. There is lack of standardized method of measuring blood in this facility; therefore Lewin’s change theory was utilized to implement QBL. A survey was conducted to assess staff members’ readiness for change in the facility. Moreover, a poster board presentation, which included CMQCC (2014) post partum hemorrhage flow chart, was delivered to majority of the staff members with a communication board to acquire feedback. Thereafter a QBL power-point presentation was emailed and made available via binder on the unit with corresponding quiz to assess effectiveness of teaching. Evaluation of the project was conducted by chart auditing to ensure QBL was performed with each delivery. The results indicated that 44% of providers are performing QBL with each delivery, 10 % of staff members are performing QBL two hours post-recovery, and postpartum hemorrhage rate has decreased by 0.7%. Recommendation includes implementing a policy that will standardize QBL with each delivery.

Keywords: postpartum hemorrhage, quantify blood loss, maternal child health
