"The City as Our Museum: A Mobile Tour Proposal for the Filipino Social" by Sabrina L. Oliveros

Date of Graduation

Fall 12-18-2015

Document Access

Restricted Project/Capstone - USF access only

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Museum Studies


College of Arts and Sciences


Museum Studies

First Advisor

Stephanie A. Brown


The mobile tour is a staple museum storytelling tool that aims to enrich visitors’ learning opportunities by offering them various content expounding on what they see inside a museum. However, with its capacity to share information from museum, library, or archival collections to elaborate on what people see outside these institutions, a mobile tour can also extend learning beyond their walls. This capstone project aims to employ a mobile tour for such a purpose. It presents a plan for a mobile tour of San Francisco’s South of Market (SoMa) neighborhood, which will use historical collections and oral histories to shed light on the buildings, murals, parks, and streets that reflect the area’s Filipino-American history. In doing so, the mobile tour should help promote and preserve a portion of the city’s Filipino heritage: a task that bears no little weight since there is not yet an established museum on the Filipino-American experience in San Francisco.

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