"Implementation of a Debrief “Takeaway” board" by Carly A. Skeath

Date of Graduation

Summer 8-17-2015

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions



My original focus of my project was to implement Team STEPPS, to help improve the communication and teamwork within our entire perinatal service department. However, as I started I ran into barriers with time and with other projects put out by our management that needed to take president. It is then that I decided to narrow my focus on one aspect of Team STEPPS which we are already implementing, and that is debriefs. As a member of the Perinatal Patient Safety Program (PPSP), I was able to learn about all the takeaway’s we received from debriefs that had occurred, and I felt that all staff should be privy to this information. It is important for all staff to understand the importance of debriefs and what the positive things are that occur during events and most importantly what are the opportunities/suggestions we can take away and improve on after all critical events/near misses. I had to start my project by presenting the idea to the PPSP group, which consist of the head of the perinatal service department, our manager, an assistant manager, nurses from each department, the head of Pediatrics and OB, a midwife, and our secretaries. After approval I had to read through each debrief done in the past and create a list of positives, opportunities, and suggestions. After the creation I had to bring the suggestions to our ANM and our manager for approval. Once approved I placed a poster size “debrief learnings” in our dictation room where all staff can see, I discussed importance to educated all ANM’s so they can educate staff through huddles of what the purpose is, and also left feedback opportunities for staff to tell me their concerns, questions, or benefits of the board.
