Theses from 2014
Forecasting Short-Term Stock Returns Using Irregular Pricing Behavior in the Options Market, Thomas W. Sampson
Examining the Role of DAX-1 in Regulation of Cell Proliferation in Human Breast Cells, Amy E. Scandurra
Countering the DREAMer Narrative: Storytelling, Immigration Reform, and the Work of 67 Sueños, Drew Schmenner
Teaching English as a Second Language through Rap Music: A Curriculum for Secondary School Students, Beth Segal
Women’s Empowerment and Community-Driven Development: Evidence from the Solomon Islands, Erin M. Steffen
Inside Jokes: English Language Humor From the Outside, Mieka D. Strawhorn
Handling Risk: Testosterone and Risk Preference, Evidence from Dhaka, Bangladesh, Tobias Sytsma
Beyond the Economic: The Freedoms, Capabilities, and Social Capital of Latin American Women Entrepreneurs in San Francisco, Melia M. Vilain
Typhoons and Temperature Impact Crime Rates: Evidence from the Philippines, Emily Wetherley
Constructive Feedback in L2 Writing with Chinese High School Students in Taiwan, Chiawei Diane Yang
Aiding and Abetting: The Illegality of Morocco's Nationalist Expansion into Western Sahara and their Support from the United States, Rachid H. Yousfi
FDI and Technical Efficiency in Manufacturing Firms: A Stochastic Frontier Approach, Yue Zhou
Impact of Typhoons on Children's Human Capital Investments in Filipino Households, Kate Zitelli
Theses from 2013
Risk, Religion, and Islamic Microfinance, Dunia Aburish
Do Self-Help Groups Work on Achieving Economic Goals? New Evidence from a Field Experiment in Medellin, Colombia, Paulina Aguinaga Lezcano
The Effects of Child Sponsorship on younger Sibling Confidence, Teddi Auker
A Case Study of Sex Trafficking in Romania, Iulia Badea Caramello
The Lion & The Ringmaster: Croatia's Accession to the European Union, Jelena N. Bilandzich
HCMV Promotes Breast Cancer Metastasis: Impacts of CMVIL-10 in the Tumor Microenvironment, Robin Bishop
Different Uses of Microfinance Among Conventional and Islamic Borrowers: Evidence from Jordan, Ngan Bui
Reactions to English Language Learning in Chile as a Means for Personal and National Development, Kortnee Byrd
Effects of Shoe Donations on Children’s Time Allocation TOMS Shoes in El Salvador, Flor Calvo
Does Child Sponsorship have a Positive Impact on the Quality of Life and Social Behavior of Sponsored Children? Evidence from Indonesia, Mario Carrillo
Photoionization Mass Spectrometry and Photoelectron-Photoion Coincidence (PEPICO) Spectroscopy Studies of Select Biofuel Molecules, Joseph G. Czekner
Can Neoclassical Trade Theory Explain Congressional Voting?, John Dellipriscoli
The Plight of Kenyan Domestic Workers in Gulf Countries, Caroline Muthoni Gikuru
The FII Model as an Investment in Patience: Exploring Time Preferences in Medellin, Colombia, Jennifer Graham
Building Women’s Solidarity to Advance Women’s Rights in Bolivia, Luzdary Hammad
Hip-Hop, Medellín and Social Change, Veronica Henao Posada
Migration and Children's School and Labor: Evidence from El Salvador, Zachary Intemann
Land Grabs and Implications on Food Sovereignty and Social Justice in Senegal, Joanna LaFrancesca
Surface Tethered PAMAM Dendrimers On Controlled Pore Glass As Color Release Sensors For Phosphates, Chang Liu
Effects of herbivory as an ecological constraint of willow growth at a restored riparian corridor, Jacqueline A. McCrory
Re-Visiting Homosexuality in Cameroon: Effective Advocacy on the Path from Homophobia to Dignity and Equality, Jean Cedric Ndzomo
Cash-in-Hand, Wives-in-Power: An Exploratory Analysis of Microfinance in Jordan, Lauren Pugh
Incentives to Improve Economic Conditions: A Field Experiment in Medellin, Colombia, Lauren Skora
Why Risk It? The Effect of Risk and Time Preferences on Microfinance Loan Default, Nike Start
Between Mobility and Stability: Immigration, Free Trade, and Human Rights in the Context of the Latino Immigrant, Joseph M. Stosberg
The Role of Dax-1 in Regulating Pluripotency in mouse Embryonic Stem Cells, Anthony Torres
The Role of Information and Communication Technology in the Acculturation of Vietnamese Refugees, Khanh A. Tran
Accounting for Gender in International Refugee Law: A Close Reading of the UNHCR Gender Guidelines and the Discursive Construction of Gender as an Identity, Johanna N. Tvedt
Biochemical Assay Optimization and Computational Screening Efforts to Identify Potential LuxS Inhibitors, Keeshia Q. Wang
Determining parentage and the effects of relatedness on play partner preference in Belding's ground squirrels, Jessica Weidenbach
Theses from 2012
A Tale of Two Superpowers: Nigeria and China Relations, Faouziatou Aboudou Kabassi
Anarchy, Play, and Carnival in the Neoliberal City: Critical Mass as Insurgent Public Space Activism, John Andrew Blue
Challenging Space through Activism: Scaling Local and Global Issues at the 2012 London Olympic Games, Bridget Botelho
The Role of Family Ties in Mitigating Moral Hazard: Firm-Level Evidence from Tamil Nadu, India, Goldie Chow
Egyptian Civil Society (Transnational vs. Local): The Distinction Between Theory and Practice, Jeremiah Davis
Cultural Traditions and the Reproductive Health of Somali Refugees and Immigrants, Nancy S. Deyo
CA Transparency in Supply Chains Act: Can It Stop Worker Abuses Among Suppliers in the Developing World?, Elizaveta Doubossarskaia
The Impact of Water on Girls' Formal Education: A Study of Kenyan Secondary Schools, Jennifer Emick
Exclusion and Xenophobia: Norwegian society's influences on Anders Behring Breivik's counter-jihadism, Anna Katariina Oraviita Eriksen
Do Culturally Engaging Reading Materials Matter? An Analysis of Rural Libraries in Burkina Faso, Erica Ernst
South Sudan & the “Global Land Grab”: Implications for the Future of Food Security, Sarah Falltrick
Between Facebook and Boas: Kichwa Indigenous Identity in Alto Napo and Challenges to Multiculturalism in Ecuador, Anna Maria Fernandez-Marti
Biochemical Evaluation of SRH Analogs as Potential LuxS Inhibitors, richa gupta
The Odious Debt System, Andrew Hanauer
The Impact of Local Environmental Quality on International Tourism Demand: The Case of China, Cong Huang
Imagining Integration, Bethany Keisner
Landscaping Israel: Power and Resistance on the Ground, Janey Kemp
An Exploration into the Perceived Effects of International Volunteering and Service on Host Communities in the Global South, Katelyn Kerrigan
Dual Intransigence: An Assessment of the US-Iran Conflict and Prospects for Rapprochement, Chad Lama
Synthesis of S-Ribosyl-L-homocysteine and Analogs Modified at the Homocysteine-C3 Position, Ruoyi Liu
Challenges and Livelihood Strategies of Darfurian Refugees Living in Kampala, Uganda, Angela F. Lucia
Countering Youth Incarceration: Community Strategies in New Orleans and Cape Town, Ariel Marshall
Arizona’s Senate Bill 1070: A Case Study on State-Sponsored Immigration Policy, Ryan Murphy
Oil, Power, and Discourse: How Chevron Evaded its Dues to the Indigenous Communities of the Ecuadorian Amazon, Kine Norland
Why EU Work-Family Reconciliation Policies Fail in Italy: A Feminist Legal Analysis, Chrystal Orozco
Human Trafficking in Poland: Further Victimization of Female Victims of Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation, Katarzyna Peninska
Agency, Structures and Peru: Action and in-action during 1980-2000, Kimberly A. Protzel
Nonprofit Continuum: Brazilian-centered Organizations in the Bay Area of San Francisco, Caroline Rehill
The Globalization of Cosmetic Surgery: Examining BRIC and Beyond, Lauren E. Riggs
Women's Mobilization in Latin America: A Case Study of Venezuela, Brianna Russell
Re-evaluating Peacebuilding in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A case study in Dongo, Wilita Sanguma
Constrains on Freedom of Expression in Turkey: The Effects of Article 301, Armine Sargsyan
The Lavender Tide: LGBTQ Activism in Neoliberal Argentina, Andrew Shaffer
What’s in Your Cup: A Critique of the Fair Trade System and its Ability to Support Qualitative Socioeconomic and Environmental Transformation, Brittan M. Stockert
El que hace la ley, hace la trampa; The criminality of good business in Puerto Rico, Kuwary Torréns Negrón
Theses from 2011
Systems at Play: The Construction of International Systems in Social Impact Games, Jorge Albor
Violence Against Women in Pakistan, Amina Bath
Public Space Planning as a Catalyst for Dweller Initiated Slum Upgrading: Ahmedabad, India, Christopher Bystedt
The Resource Curse and Peru: A Potential Threat for the Future?, Sergio Cruz
Roles of DAX-1 in regulating human StAR gene expression and mouse embryonic stem cells differentiation, Lhia Krista O Dolores
The Limitations of Girls’ Formal Education in Benin, Emily Elshaw
Security Cooperation Poorly Defined, Nathan L. Fenell
Microfinance Partnerships: A Bridge for Refugees, Megan Fielding
The Carbon Frame: Lobbying for Renewable Energy in the European Union, Kyle S. Herman
Barcelona's Public Market System: Bridging the Gap Between the Global and the Local, Larissa Hernandez
Territoriality, Sovereignty and the Nation-state System in Israel-Palestine: The Creation of the Palestinian Bantustan “state” and Shifting Palestinian Resistance Tactics, Sara Nichole Hughes
Epigenetic regulation by methylation status of the DAX-1 gene in normal and cancerous breast cell lines, Sean James O'Day Judge
Challenging Notions of U.S. Citizenship: The Contributions of Mexican Americans, Tracy E. Kirby
Fine-scale genetic structure and parentage in Urocitellus beldingi, Marissa R. Lafler