Theses from 1997
Construction of gene replacement vectors for the cyanobacterium Fremyella diplosiphon using the sacRB gene for counter selection, Ian K. D'Silva
Chlorine dioxide as an alternative to traditional biocides in a sea water cooling system, Edward L. Dubost
International standards organization ISO 14010-12 environmental management systems auditing for waste management of Alameda County, Basil J. Falcone
Water recycling in California : a survey of motivating factors and financing mechanisms, Craig C. Freeman
The use of a constructed wetland to improve water quality at the Walker Mine Tailings, Plumas County, California, Jeanine S. F Friehauf
Assessment of storm water pollution reduction technologies (PRTs) and development of a decision tree for PRT implementation, Gary J. Goodemote
Toxicity of vanadium in freshwater to the three-spined stickleback (glasterosteus aculeatus), Josh J. Gravenmier
Natural biodegradation as a remedial approach at a fuel leak site in Hayward, California, Scott D. Kellstedt
New Understandings Mediating Business Law in the Thai and Vietnamese Traditions: A Hermeneutic Approach to Legal Education, Leslie A. Manteuffel
An assessment of occupational and community exposures to crystalline silica emissions at an aggregate production facility, Thomas M. Maul
A Study of the Perceptions of Leaders in the California Animal Welfare and Control Fields Regarding the "No-Kill" Philosophy, Marcia Mayeda
Using Controlled Misalignment to Increase Poetry Appreciation Among High School Students, Kelli Cliff McCrea
Metal contamination of wetlands at selected military installations in the San Francisco Bay Area, Janet Meth
The use of plant-transpired water to monitor subsurface tritium contamination in soil water and groundwater, Susan G. Monheit
The role of environmental costs in California business closure or relocation decisions, Elizabeth M. Purl
A survey of four groundwater remediation options for chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons in the shallow water-bearing zone of a confidential study site, Kevin L. Reichelderfer
Northern analysis of cpeF transcription in the cyanobacterium Fremyella diplosiphon, Karlygash Irmukhan Sea
Degradation of tetrachloroethene in a shallow aquifer at Moffett Federal Airfield, California, Candace L. Soles
Evaluation of the impact of granular carbofuran use restrictions on related waterfowl poisonings near California rice fields, Keith Starner
Assessment of potential industrial demand for recycled water in southeast San Francisco, Annette Young Tarbell
Ammonia removal potential of three cell strategies to meet water quality criteria at a demonstration constructed wetlands project, Eric J. Wallace
Theses from 1996
The impact of adult learning techniques on training effectiveness, Jacqueline Alcalde
Synthesis and purification of recombinant J chain for structural analysis, Vivian E. Barry
Bioremediation of a BTEX contaminated aquifer, Chatan K. Charan
Correlation of race and socioeconomic status with locations of hazardous waste facilities in the Bay Area, John G. Chernowski
Performance comparison of PID and FID for the analysis of BTEX compounds, Sirirat Chullakorn
Phytoplankton species composition and succession in Mountain Lake, California, Christina M. Codemo
Isolation of putative third instar larval cuticle protein-5 genomic clones and restriction map of a subcloned fragment, Francine Compagno
TCA replacement in handwiping operations in SRM manufacturing, Margaret Eless Dancey
Proton coupled electron transfer reactions of vitamin E and ruthenium ammine complexes, Reza Foroughi
The toxic gas ordinance and its application to the semiconductor industry, Roger A. Haanpaa
Criminal enforcement of environmental laws as a means of encouraging compliance, Mary Haber
Screening a cDNA library of early third instar Drosophila larvae for a cuticle protein clone, Sharon Jiang
An Examination of Women's Access to Professional Positions in Hospital Foundations, Bettina Kohlbrenner
Crossing Borders: Transformative Experiences of Euro American Bilingual Teachers in a Spanish Speaking Context, A Participatory Study, Margaret C. Laughlin
The Effects of the Geometer's Sketchpad Software on Achievement of Geometric Knowledge of High School Geometry Students, Margaret Lynn Lester
An evaluation of a defense-based manufacturer's conformance to ISO 14001 certification requirements, Yasmine S. Lopez
An analysis of trace elements discharged from twelve wastewater treatment plants to San Francisco Bay : 1987-1992, Stephen Maung Thet Lwin
A Critical Hermeneutic Exploration of Adoption, Trauma of Separation and Abandonment, and Subsequent Adjustment, Virginia Bowman Maker
The cost of compliance with asbestos regulations in California, Jack McCubbin
Vocational Nurse Student Predictors of Success, Mary A. Moore
Induction and accumulation of CD-metallothionein in different organs of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and, MYC amplification in GSHV positive tumor cell DNA, Joseph E., M.S Murphy
A study of a research and development facility to determine the best method to reduce copper and nickel from the facility's wastewater discharges to the San Francisco South Bay, Daniel Scott Nixon
Evaluation of possible chemical exposures to workers at a semiconductor manufacturer, John Henry Noftz
Senior Volunteerism: Dissatisfaction and Turnover Among Older Volunteers, Joan Pokroy
Frame relay technology : an in-depth review, Padmaja V. Pradhan
Contract options that minimize financial liability associated with hazardous waste management services at California State Universities, Thomas R. Sargent
Characterization of shallow groundwater contamination by petroleum hydrocarbons in the city of Vallejo, California based on five local oversight program (LOP) case studies, Ricardo M. Serrano
Oil pollution of the San Francisco Bay from maritime activities, Paul S. Szwed
1. A study of the single electron transfer catalyzed intramolecular cyclization of phenyl oxirane methanols 2. Spectroscopic and theoretical investigation of substituted polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their anions, Lourdes N. Thevanayagam
The Relationship Between Alumni Relations and Fund-Raising: A Study on the Effect of Departmental Integration on Alumni Giving, Susan M. Todaro
A motion picture extension to the X Window system, Tommy Yan
Theses from 1995
Determination of the environmental aspects and the economic benefits between two methods of silver recovery, Russell C. Bateson
J chain gene transfer : functional study of wild type and mutant j chain, Christelle Benaud
Use of piezometric cone penetration testing to assess soil and groundwater contamination : a case study, Daniel S. Brogadir
Identification of BiP, protein disulfide isomerase and sulfhydryl oxidase as components in immunoglobulin M assembly, Abby Ming Sze Cheng
Recovery, treatment, and disposal of groundwater contaminated with jet fuel from underground storage tanks at NASA AMES Research Center, Thomas Edward Cooper
Toxicity and heavy metal concentrations of waste disinfectant solutions disposed to the sanitary sewers at Naval Medical Center Oakland, Larry Esmond Douchand
Potential health hazards to children exposed to lead-contaminated soil at a San Francisco housing project, Tracy Ann Faulkner
Application of the Environmental Protection Agency's data quality objective process to environmental monitoring quality control, Lucinda M. Garcia
Riparian habitat assessment using selected parameters in an urban stream setting, Martin J. Gothberg
The use of oxidation-reduction potential to monitor in situ bioremediation, James H. Honniball
Classification and storage of wastewater from floor finish removal operations, Charles E. Hunt
Investigation of the suitability of the Bay Farm Island Borrow Pit as a confined aquatic disposal site for dredged material, Jeffrey D. Jensen
The cave, Aria Julazadeh
A critical comparison of EPA and NIOSH methods of monitoring for fugitive airborne dust at the fenceline of construction sites, Jeffrey R. Lott
A modeling approach to est[i]mate community exposures to airborne asbestos concentrations from reentrained road dust, Kira Pyatt Lynch
An Analysis of Intrinsic Motivation in a Summer Enrichment Program for Economically Disadvantaged Middle-School Students, Bonnie M. Mackie
Characterization of a cDNA clone of the gene encoding the fifth cuticle protein of the third larval instar of Drosophila melanogaster, Padjaja Mandalaparthy
Selecting feasible water conservation technologies for golf courses located in San Mateo County, California, Peter Karl Mandel
Evaluation of a silver reduction program for the Palo Alto Water Quality Control Plant, 1990-1993, Matthew J. McCarron
Assessment of Middle School Students' Cognitive Performance on Piagetian Tasks Requiring Formal Abstract Thinking Processes, Marilyn L. McClaskey
Evaluation of phase contrast microscopy and transmission electron microscopy for use in final air clearance monitoring of asbestos abatement projects, David B. McGrath
Airborne release of chlorine-based oxidants following inadvertent mixing of household bleach and cleaning products, Patrick M. Meehan
Cross-flow microfilteration technology in the treatment of wastewater from XYZ semiconductor manufacturing facility, Eric L. Miguel
A cost and benefit analysis of the San Francisco curbside recycling program, Thomas G. Murphy
A Study of the Investment Policies and Practices of California Social Service and Advocacy Organizations, Alexis Whitney Olian
Indoor air quality : an industrial hygienist's perspective, Rodney D. Oswalt
Feasibility of recycling aqueous hydrofluoric acid in a semiconductor facility using ion-exchange technology, Zie Anna Payne
Applications of neural networks to electric short term load forecasting, Maryam Poursardar
Speciality chemical recycling within the semiconductor industry, Christine L. Ryan