"Building Women’s Solidarity to Advance Women’s Rights in Bolivia" by Luzdary Hammad

Date of Graduation

Winter 12-2013

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in International Studies (MAIS)


College of Arts and Sciences


International Studies

First Advisor

Elisabeth Jay Friedman


This paper takes a historical look at the deep-seated ethnic and class divisions between women in Bolivia. It also examines the cultural challenges that help explain the status of women in Bolivia and the obstacles women face to become politically active. It provides the theories of decolonization and depatriachalization as practical ways Bolivia can move past their colonial and patriarchal history. It also looks into what feminism means overall in Latin America and what strategies Latin American women have used to make change for women. It then provides a political history of Bolivia from 1994 to the present giving the political context needed to understand the case studies. Three case studies are presented offering different strategies Bolivian women have used to make change for women. The analysis proposes which strategy is the most successful at making change for women in the Bolivian context. The conclusion offers a summary, as well as provides the connections between the literature review and research section.
