"On the Front Lines: Service Providers Respond to the Haitian Refugee C" by Karina Castro

Date of Graduation

Spring 5-18-2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Migration Studies


College of Arts and Sciences


Migration Studies

First Advisor

Karina Hodoyan


Haitian Refugees arrived in Tijuana in mass numbers in the fall of 2016, with the dream of receiving asylum in the United States. However, upon their arrival, U.S. immigration policy changed and Tijuana became their permanent home as it strived to absorb this new population. In this paper I will address how Tijuana service-providers responded to this humanitarian crisis and were affected by U.S. and Mexican policies in their ability to support the integration of Haitian refugees in their communities. The historical context of Haitian migration history will provide an overview of push factors via an analysis of the economic, agricultural and political factors leading to the arrival of Haitians at the U.S. -Mexico Border. My analysis will focus on U.S. and Mexican policies, as well as the testimonies of Tijuana service providers to better understand their response and recommendations to the Haitian humanitarian crisis.
