"Improving Communication: Huddling for Change" by Harnoor Chahal

Date of Graduation

Summer 8-12-2018

Document Type


Degree Name

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School of Nursing and Health Professions


The purpose of this communication improvement project is to incorporate huddles between interdisciplinary departments within a microsystem in order to improve customer satisfaction by decreasing the number of grievances. Based on the increasing number of grievances due to delayed hospital discharge, which results from a lack of communication between team members, there is an increased need for communication between the microsystem. By implementing weekly huddles between the Inpatient and Outpatient nurses, not only will there be increased care-coordination, but there will also be a decreased delay in discharge from the hospital caused by missed or no communication. Evidence-based practice indicates that huddles are effective in improving patient safety, creating time and space for conversation, enhancing relationships, and strengthening a culture of safety (Provost, Lanham, Leykum, McDaniel & Pugh, 2015). As a result of decreased delays in hospital discharge, there will be measurable outcomes that indicate decreased number of grievances specific to non-timely review of prior authorizations. The intent of this project is to apply evidence-based change that results in the improvement of the current communication processes and patient outcomes.
