Submissions from 2020
Discovering New Strong Gravitational Lenses in the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys, Xiaosheng Huang, Christopher Storfer, A. Gu, V. Ravi, A. Pilon, W. Sheu, R. Venguswamy, S. Bankda, A. Dey, M. Landriau, D. Lang, A. Meisner, J. Moustakas, A. D. Myers, R. Sajith, E. F. Schlafly, and D. J. Schlegel
Finding Strong Gravitational Lenses in the DESI DECam Legacy Survey, Xiaosheng Huang, Christopher Storfer, V. Ravi, A. Pilon, M. Domingo, D. J. Schlegel, S. Bailey, A. Dey, R. R. Gupta, D. Herrera, S. Juneau, M. Landriau, D. Lang, A. Meisner, J. Moustakas, A. D. Myers, E. F. Schlafly, F. Valdes, B. A. Weaver, J. Yang, and C. Yèche
Submissions from 2019
The Population Densities of Argon Metastable Levels, Nada Khogeer, Chelsy Gonzalez, and Milka Nikolic
Precise Mass Determination of SPT-CL J2106-5844, the Most Massive Cluster at z > 1, Jinhyub Kim, M. James Jee, Saul Perlmutter, Brian Hayden, David Rubin, Xiaosheng Huang, Greg Aldering, and Jongwan Ko
Submissions from 2018
The Discovery of a Gravitationally Lensed Supernova Ia at Redshift 2.22, David Rubin, Brian Hayden, Xiaosheng Huang, Greg Aldering, R Amanullah, K Barbary, K Boone, M Brodwin, S E. Deustua, S Dixon, P Eisenhardt, A S. Fruchter, A H. Gonzalez, A Goobar, R R. Gupta, I Hook, M. James Jee, A G. Kim, M Kowalski, C Lidman, E V. Linder, K Luther, J Nordin, R Pain, Saul Perlmutter, Z Raha, M Rigault, P Ruiz-Lapuente, C Saunders, C Sofiatti, A L. Spadafora, S A. Stanford, D Stern, N Suzuki, and S C. Williams
Submissions from 2017
On the Time Variation of Dust Extinction and Gas Absorption for Type Ia Supernovae Observed through a Nonuniform Interstellar Medium, Xiaosheng Huang, G Aldering, M. Biederman, and B. Herger
THE EXTINCTION PROPERTIES OF AND DISTANCE TO THE HIGHLY REDDENED TYPE IA SUPERNOVA SN 2012CU, Xiaosheng Huang, Z. Raha, G. Aldering, P. Antilogus, S. Bailey, C. Baltay, K. Barbary, D. Baugh, K. Boone, S. Bongard, C. Buton, J. Chen, N. Chotard, Y. Copin, P. Fagrelius, H. K. Fakhouri, U. Feindt, D. Fouchez, E. Gangler, B. Hayden, W. Hillebrandt, A. G. Kim, M. Kowalski, P. F. Leget, S. Lombardo, J. Nordin, R. Pain, E. Pecontal, R. Pereira, S. Perlmutter, D. Rabinowitz, M. Rigault, D. Rubin, K. Runge, C. Saunders, G. Smadja, C. Sofiatti, A. Stocker, N. Suzuki, S. Taubenberger, C. Tao, and R. C. Thomas
Perspectives on the Indigenous Worldviews in Informal Science Education Conference, Aparna Venkatesan and A. Burgasser
Submissions from 2016
Optical Spectroscopy and Decoherence Studies of Yb3+:YAG at 968 nm, Thomas Böttger, C W. Thiel, R L. Cone, Y Sun, and A Faraon
Submissions from 2015
Analytic Structure of the S-Matrix for Singular Quantum Mechanics, Horacio E. Camblong, Luis N. Epele, Huner Fanchiotti, and Carlos A. García Canal
Optical Memory Bandwidth and Multiplexing Capacity in the Erbium Telecommunication Window, J Dajczgewand, R Ahlefeldt, Thomas Böttger, A Louchet-Chauvet, J Gouët, and T Chanelière
Measurements of Population Densities of Metastable and Resonant Levels of Argon Using Laser Induced Fluorescence, Milka Nikolic, J. Newton, C. I. Sukenik, L. Vušković, and S. Popović
Submissions from 2014
Lensed Type Ia supernovae as probes of cluster mass models, J Nordin, David Rubin, J Richard, E Rykoff, Greg Aldering, R Amanullah, H Atek, K Barbary, S Deustua, H K. Fakhouri, A S. Fruchter, A Goobar, I Hook, E Y. Hsiao, Xiaosheng Huang, J P. Kneib, C Lidman, J Meyers, S Perlmutter, C Saunders, A L. Spadafora, and N Suzuki
Resonant-Frequency Discharge in a Multi-Cell Radio Frequency Cavity, S. Popović, J. Upadhyay, J. Mammosser, Milka Nikolic, and L. Vušković
Submissions from 2013
The Escape Fraction of Ionizing Radiation from Galaxies, A Benson, Aparna Venkatesan, and J Shull
Characterization of the Supersonic Flowing Microwave Discharge Using Two Dimensional Plasma Tomography, Milka Nikolic, A. Samolov, F. Čučkov, S. Popović, L. Vušković, and A. Godunov
Precision Measurement of The Most Distant Spectroscopically Confirmed Supernova Ia with the Hubble Space Telescope, D Rubin, R A. Knop, E Rykoff, G Aldering, R Amanullah, K Barbary, M S. Burns, A Conley, N Connolly, S Deustua, V Fadeyev, H K. Fakhouri, A S. Fruchter, R A. Gibbons, G Goldhaber, A Goobar, E Y. Hsiao, Xiaosheng Huang, M Kowalski, C Lidman, J Meyers, J Nordin, S Perlmutter, C Saunders, A Spadafora, V Stanishev, N Suzuki, L Wang, and Supernova Cosmology Project
Submissions from 2012
The Hubble Space Telescope Cluster Supernova Survey. VI. The Volumetric Type Ia Supernova Rate in High-Redshift Galaxy Clusters, K Barbary, G Aldering, R Amanullah, M Brodwin, N Connolly, KS Dawson, M Doi, P Eisenhardt, L Faccioli, V Fadeyev, HK Fakhouri, AS Fruchter, DG Gibank, MD Gladders, G Goldhaber, A Goobar, T Hattori, E Hsiao, Xiaosheng Huang, Y Ihara, N Kashikawa, B Koester, K Konishi, M Kowalski, C Lidman, L Lubin, J Meyers, T Morokuma, T Oda, N Panagia, S Perlmutter, M Postman, P Ripoche, P Rosati, D Rubin, DJ Schlegel, AL Spadafora, SA Stanford, M Strovink, N Suzuki, N Takanashi, K Tokita, N Yasuda, and Supernova Cosmology Project
Rare-Earth-Doped Materials with Application to Optical Signal Processing, Quantum Information Science, and Medical Imaging Technology, R L. Cone, C W. Thiel, Y Sun, Thomas Böttger, and R M. MacFarlane
The Hubble Space Telescope Cluster Supernova Survey: V. Improving the Dark Energy Constraints Above z>1 and Building an Early-Type-Hosted Supernova Sample, N Suzuki, D Rubin, C Lidman, G Aldering, R Amanullah, K Barbary, L F. Barrientos, J Botyanszki, M Brodwin, N Connolly, K S. Dawson, A Dey, M Doi, M Donahue, S Deustua, P Eisenhardt, E Ellingson, L Faccioli, V Fadeyev, H K. Fakhouri, A S. Fruchter, D G. Gilbank, M D. Gladders, G Goldhaber, A H. Gonzalez, A Goobar, A Gude, T Hattori, H Hoekstra, E Y. Hsiao, Xiaosheng Huang, Y Ihara, M J. Jee, D Johnston, K Kashikawa, B Koester, K Konishi, M Kowalski, E V. Linder, L Lubin, J Melbourne, J Meyers, T Morokuma, F Munshi, C Mullis, T Oda, N Panagia, S Perlmutter, M Postman, T Pritchard, J Rhodes, P Ripoche, P Rosati, D J. Schlegel, A Spadafora, S A. Stanford, V Stanishev, D Stern, M Strovink, N Takanashi, K Tokita, M Wagner, L Wang, N Yasuda, H. K. C. Yee, and Supernova Cosmology Project
Submissions from 2011
THE HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE * CLUSTER SUPERNOVA SURVEY. II. THE TYPE Ia SUPERNOVA RATE IN HIGH-REDSHIFT GALAXY CLUSTERS, K Barbary, G Aldering, R Amanullah, M Brodwin, N Connolly, KS Dawson, M Doi, P Eisenhardt, L Faccioli, V Fadeyev, HK Fakhouri, AS Fruchter, D G. Gilbank, MD Gladders, G Goldhaber, A Goobar, T Hattori, E Hsiao, Xiaosheng Huang, Y Ihara, K Kashikawa, B Koester, K Konishi, M Kowalski, C Lidman, L Lubin, J Meyers, T Morokuma, T Oda, N Panagia, S Perlmutter, M Postman, P Ripoche, P Rosati, D Rubin, DJ Schlegel, AL Spadafora, SA Stanford, M Strovink, N Suzuki, N Takanashi, K Tokita, and N Yasuda
Scaling Relations and Overabundance of Massive Clusters at Z ≳ 1 from Weak-Lensing Studies with the Hubble Space Telescope, M J. Jee, KS Dawson, H Hoekstra, S Perlmutter, P Rosati, M Brodwin, N Sukuzi, B Koester, M Postman, L Lubin, J Meyers, SA Stanford, K Barbary, F Barrientos, P Eisenhardt, HC Ford, DG Gibank, MD Gladders, A Gonzalez, DW Harris, Xiaosheng Huang, C Lidman, ES Rykoff, D Rubin, and AL Spadafora
Electron Density Measurements in a Pulse-Repetitive Microwave Discharge in Air, Milka Nikolic, S. Popović, L. Vušković, G. C. Herring, and R. J. Exton
Impacts of Dark Stars on Reionization and Signatures in the Cosmic Microwave Background, P Scott, E Roebber, G Holder, Aparna Venkatesan, P Gondolo, and E Pierpaoli
Submissions from 2009
Discovery of an Unusual Optical Transient with the Hubble Space Telescope, K Barbary, KS Dawson, K Tokita, G Aldering, R Amanullah, NV Connolly, M Doi, L Faccioli, V Fadeyev, AS Fruchter, G Goldhaber, A Goobar, A Gude, Xiaosheng Xiaosheng Huang, Y Ihara, K Konishi, M Kowalski, C Lidman, J Meyers, T Morokuma, P Nugent, S Perlmutter, D Rubin, D Schlegel, AL Spadafora, N Suzuki, HK Swift, N Takanashi, RC Thomas, N Yasuda, and Supernova Cosmology Project
Effects of Magnetic Field Orientation on Optical Decoherence in Er3+: Y2 SiO5, Thomas Böttger, C W. Thiel, R L. Cone, and Y Sun
An Intensive HST Survey for z>1 Supernovae by Targeting Galaxy Clusters, K S. Dawson, G Aldering, R Amanullah, K Barbary, L F. Barrientos, M Brodwin, N Connolly, A Dey, M Doi, M Donahue, P Eisenhardt, E Ellingson, L Faccioli, V Fadeyev, H K. Fakhouri, A S. Fruchter, D G. Gilbank, M D. Gladders, G Goldhaber, A H. Gonzalez, A Goobar, A Gude, T Hattori, H Hoekstra, Xiaosheng Huang, Y Ihara, B T. Jannuzi, D Johnston, K Kashikawa, B Koester, K Konishi, M Kowalski, C Lidman, E V. Linder, L Lubin, J Meyers, T Morokuma, F Munshi, C Mullis, T Oda, N Panagia, S Perlmutter, M Postman, T Pritchard, J Rhodes, P Rosati, D Rubin, D J. Schlegel, A Spadafora, S A. Stanford, V Stanishev, D Stern, M Strovink, N Suzuki, N Takanashi, K Tokita, M Wagner, L Wang, N Yasuda, H. K. C. Yee, and Supernova Cosmology Project
Hubble Space Telescope Discovery of a z = 3.9 Multiply Imaged Galaxy Behind the Complex Cluster Lens WARPS J1415.1+36 at z = 1.026, Xiaosheng Huang, T Morokuma, HK Fakhouri, G Aldering, R Amanullah, K Barbary, M Brodwin, NV Connolly, KS Dawson, M Doi, L Faccioli, V Fadeyev, AS Fruchter, G Goldhaber, MD Gladders, JF Hennawi, Y Ihara, MJ Jee, M Kowalski, K Konishi, C Lidman, J Meyers, LA Moustakas, S Perlmutter, D Rubin, DJ Schlegel, AL Spadafora, N Suzuki, N Takanashi, and N Yasuda
Contribution of a Portable Air Plasma Torch to Rapid Blood Coagulation as a Method of Preventing Bleeding, Kuo S. P., O. Tarasenko, J. Chang, S. Popović, C. Y. Chen, H. W. Fan, A. Scott, M. Lahiani, P. Alusta, J. D. Drake, and Milka Nikolic
Submissions from 2008
Controlled Compositional Disorder in Er3+:Y2SiO5 Provides a Wide-Bandwidth Spectral Hole Burning Material at 1.5mum, Thomas Böttger, C W. Thiel, R L. Cone, and Y Sun
Constraints on First-Light Ionizing Sources from Optical Depth of the Cosmic Microwave Background, J Shull and Aparna Venkatesan
Magnetic G Tensors for the I 15/2 4 and I 13/2 4 States of Er3+: Y2 Si O5, Y Sun, Thomas Böttger, C W. Thiel, and R L. Cone
Submissions from 2007
From Morphology to Neural Information: The Electric Sense of the Skate, Marcelo Camperi, Timothy C. Tricas, and Brandon R. Brown
Submissions from 2006
Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Er3+: Y2 Si O5 at 1.5 μM, Thomas Böttger, Y Sun, C W. Thiel, and R L. Cone
Optical Decoherence and Spectral Diffusion at 1.5 μM in Er3+: Y2 SiO5 versus Magnetic Field, Temperature, and Er3+ Concentration, Thomas Böttger, C W. Thiel, Y Sun, and R L. Cone
A Cosmic Milestone: Constraints from Metal-Poor Halo Stars on the Cosmological Reionization Epoch, Aparna Venkatesan
The Radiative Transport of Dust in Primordial Galaxies and Second-Generation Star Formation, Aparna Venkatesan, Biman B. Nath, and J Shull
Submissions from 2005
Black Hole Thermodynamics From Near-horizon Conformal Quantum Mechanics, Horacio E. Camblong
Effective Field Theory Program for Conformal Quantum Anomalies, Horacio E. Camblong
Semiclassical Methods in Curved Spacetime and Black Hole Thermodynamics, Horacio E. Camblong
Measuring Shared Information and Coordinated Activity in Neuronal Networks, K L. Klinkner, C R. Shalizi, and Marcelo Camperi
Submissions from 2004
Thermoelectricity in Natural and Synthetic Hydrogels, Brandon R. Brown
Nucleosynthesis, Reionization, and the Mass Function of the First Stars, Jason Tumlinson, Aparna Venkatesan, and J Shull
Submissions from 2003
Material Optimization of Er3+Y2SiO5 at 1.5 μm for Optical Processing, Memory, and Laser Frequency Stabilization Applications, Thomas Böttger, Y Sun, C W. Thiel, and R L. Cone
Anomalous Commutator Algebra for Conformal Quantum Mechanics, Horacio E. Camblong
Anomaly in Conformal Quantum Mechanics: From Molecular Physics to Black Holes, Horacio E. Camblong
SO(2,1) Conformal Anomaly: Beyond Contact Interactions, Horacio E. Camblong
Cosmological Effects of the First Stars: Evolving Spectra of Population III, Jason Tumlinson, J Shull, and Aparna Venkatesan
The Ionizing Efficiency of the First Stars, Aparna Venkatesan and James W. Truran
Evolving Spectra of Population III Stars: Consequences for Cosmological Reionization, Aparna Venkatesan, Jason Tumlinson, and J Shull
Feedback from the First Supernovae in Protogalaxies: The Fate of the Generated Metals, Keiichi Wada and Aparna Venkatesan
Submissions from 2002
Electrical Characterization of Gel Collected from Shark Electrosensors, Brandon R. Brown
Modeling an Electrosensory Landscape: Behavioral and Morphological Optimization in Elasmobranch Prey Capture, Brandon R. Brown
Renormalized Path Integral for the Two-dimensional δ-function Interaction, Horacio E. Camblong
Coherent Integration of 0.5 GHz Spectral Holograms at 1536 Nm Using Dynamic Biphase Codes, Z Cole, Thomas Böttger, R Krishna Mohan, R Reibel, W R. Babbitt, R L. Cone, and K D. Merkel
Mutual Constraints between Reionization Models and Parameter Extraction from Cosmic Microwave Background Data, Aparna Venkatesan
Submissions from 2001
Quantum Anomaly in Molecular Physics, Horacio E. Camblong
Renormalization of the Inverse Square Potential, Horacio E. Camblong
Laser Stabilization at 1536 nm Using Regenerative Spectral Hole Burning, P B. Sellin, N M. Strickland, Thomas Böttger, J L. Carlsten, and R L. Cone
Heating and Ionization of the Intergalactic Medium by an Early X-Ray Background, Aparna Venkatesan, Mark L. Giroux, and J Shull
Submissions from 2000
A Spectroscopic Redshift for the Cl 0024+16 Multiple Arc System: Implications for the Central Mass Distribution, Tom Broadhurst, Xiaosheng Huang, Brenda Frye, and Richard Ellis
A Theory for Stretchiness, Brandon R. Brown
Focus: New Info from Slow Muons, Brandon R. Brown
Herding Molecules, Brandon R. Brown
Simulation of dc Resistivity Data: Questioning Critical Scaling for the High-Tc Copper Oxides, Brandon R. Brown
The Optical Depth to Reionization as a Probe of Cosmological and Astrophysical Parameters, Aparna Venkatesan
Submissions from 1999
Electrical Resistivity of a Thin Metallic Film, Horacio E. Camblong
Neutron Stars and Black Holes as MACHOs, Aparna Venkatesan, Angela V. Olinto, and James W. Truran
Submissions from 1997
Neutron-irradiation Effects on the V-I Characteristics of YBa2Cu3O7-δ Twinned Crystals:Linking Transport Results in a Variety of Copper Oxide Superconductors, Brandon R. Brown
Constraints on the Production of Ultra–High-Energy Cosmic Rays by Isolated Neutron Stars, Aparna Venkatesan, M Coleman Miller, and Angela V. Olinto
Submissions from 1996
Oblique Electron Transport in the Presence of Collinear and Noncollinear Magnetizations, Horacio E. Camblong
Type-II Interface Exciton in ZnSe/(Zn,Mn)Se Heterostructures, V V. Rossin, Thomas Böttger, and F Henneberger
Submissions from 1995
Scaling of thin-film Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4-y resistivity-current isotherms at low fields: Implications for vortex phase transitions and universality, Brandon R. Brown
Electron Transport in Magnetic Inhomogeneous Media, Horacio E. Camblong
Linear Transport Theory of Magnetoconductance in Metallic Multilayers: A Real-space Approach, Horacio E. Camblong
Submissions from 1994
Scaling of Voltage-current Characteristics of Thin-film Y-Ba-Cu-0 at Low Magnetic Fields, Brandon R. Brown
Effective Internal Fields and Magnetization Buildup for Magnetotransport in Magnetic Multilayered Structures, Horacio E. Camblong
Theory of Magnetotransport in Inhomogeneous Magnetic Structures, Horacio E. Camblong
Submissions from 1993
Magnetic Multilayers: Quasiclassical Transport Via the Kubo Formula, Horacio E. Camblong
Magnetoresistance of Multilayered Structures for Currents Perpendicular to the Plane of the Layers, Horacio E. Camblong
Submissions from 1992
Novel Results for Quasiclassical Linear Transport in Metallic Multilayers, Horacio E. Camblong
Submissions from 1989
Inverse Ac Josephson Effect at Terahertz Frequencies, W C. Danchi, William Golightly, and E C. Sutton