Date of Graduation

Spring 5-21-2021

Document Access

Restricted Project/Capstone - USF access only

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


For children that are living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), preparing for any medical preoperative procedure can be triggering because of the unfamiliar surroundings and people. Children living with this disorder are often faced with communication barriers and difficult social interactions. After a thorough literature review, collecting data from the clinical staff regarding the care of this population, and shadowing different patient experiences of a MRI procedure at an outpatient surgery center, there were different evidence- based interventions that were discussed and implemented. These included a Social Story video describing the day of the MRI procedure, Parent Perioperative Questionnaire, Picture & Activity Book, MRI Parent Toolkit Guide, and a Staff In-Service regarding Pediatric Situational Tactics. Following the in person educational staff in-service and the introduction of the different evidence-based implementation tools, the clinical staff provided feedback in a pre and post in service survey. After the in-service and educating the staff regarding the new evidence-based tools implemented, the data showed an increase in staff strongly agreeing in feeling effective in deescalating a behavioral situation and feeling adequately prepared in caring for a child with a behavioral issue, developmental delay, ADHD, or ASD. Overall, this quality improvement project was successful at implementing evidence-based practice changes. The clinical staff expressed their interest in utilizing the different tools to enhance the patient’s overall MRI experience at the pediatric outpatient surgery center.

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