Date of Graduation

Spring 5-20-2021

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions


A quality improvement (QI) project with an aim to enhance nurse code blue readiness and confidence by implementing evidence-based practice to the medical-surgical microsystem level. A study conducted by Merchant et. al. in 2014 estimated 209,000 adult in-hospital cardiac arrests occur in the United States annually. Having a team well-versed in basic life support (BLS) is imperative to ensuring quality resuscitative care when needed. Though BLS training is a required skill to renew every 2 years, a group of University of San Francisco Master of Nursing CNL Students have determined a need to offer a more frequent mock code blue training program to medical-surgical nurses to improve their readiness and confidence during a code. Although MedSurg units do not encounter high number of code blues as intensive care units (ICU), MedSurg nurses have vocalized their desire to develop their BLS skills. As a result, this quality improvement project focuses on BLS skills practice, equipment education and role clarity through conducting multiple mini mock codes on the floors. A pre-survey was collected to assess the initial confidence levels regarding a code blue scenario. The USF nursing student QI group completed a series of trainings with the MedSurg nursing staff and is currently in the process of collecting post training data. To present a comprehensive training effectiveness analysis, the QI group will be surveying the confidence levels pertaining to BLS skills, equipment knowledge and role clarity. It is hypothesized a significant number of nurses find the trainings helpful and help develop their BLS skills. The purpose of this QI project is to improve medical-surgical nurses’ code blue readiness and confidence. It is hoped this improvement project will serve as additional literature to support increased code blue practice in hospitals for nurses to contribute to an overall improvement in patient care.
