About this Mixtape (Journal) | Black Educology Mixtape "Journal" | The University of San Francisco

About this Mixtape (Journal)

BE offers authors and producers a continuous-publication format and global online distribution for their tracks. All works are professionally copyedited and typeset to ensure quality.

Producers who submit to BE include: Producers who want their tracks to receive free, broad, and global distribution on a powerful, highly discoverable bepress publishing platform; Producers who want their tracks to exist alongside works that study education from a Black perspective, & Producers who want thier articles to be open access instead of behind a paywall.

The Black Educology Mixtape "Journal" (BE) publishes “tracks”; Community Voices (community-based commentary); and artwork from across the diaspora of Black educational liberation.

Tracks (Articles): The Black Educology Mixtape accepts tracks that are between 3,000-8,000 words (inclusive of references) utilizing APA citation style. We seek tracks that work toward collective action rooted in building, fighting, and dreaming in ways that disrupt, subvert, and destroy antiblackness in education. Diverse methodological and theoretical perspectives are encouraged. Authors collecting data must have an Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects (IRBPHS) or other approval for the ethical collection of data. Authors must attest to honoring ethical standards to the ownership and creation of the work they present; this mixtape will not tolerate plagiarism in any form.

Community Voices: These are audio submissions that can be up to 15 minutes and pertain to collective projects that nourish and/or reflect community engagement.

Notes from the Studio: Notes or commentary can be up to 1,000-2,500 words (exclusive of references) and pertain to engaged projects, Black liberatory practices, and abolitionism.

Artwork: Artists whose craft addresses Black education and liberation are encouraged to submit images, art, and zines that raise important considerations on Black education. If selected, Artists will be credited on the journal website.

To submit: Please email your original work to Blackeducology@gmail.com