"War and Genocide in Darfur and its Impact on Darfur society" by Hamid Elshareif

Date of Graduation

Spring 5-19-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in International Studies (MAIS)


College of Arts and Sciences


International Studies

First Advisor

Olivier Bercault

Second Advisor

Sadia Saeed


The Darfur region in western Sudan has witnessed bloody revolutions and conflicts since the beginning of 2003. The Sudanese government recruited militias such as Janjaweed who killed and robbed the civilian people of Darfur. The Janjaweed practiced murder, rape, torture, the burning of villages, looting, and theft which amounted to what most people consider genocide. This genocide is being practiced against the indigenous African tribes in the western region of Sudan which is less developed and has been marginalized by the government in Khartoum. Reasons for this conflict are in question with many people seeing it as purely an Arab versus African/non-Arab problem whereas others are seeing this as something more complex. The roots of this dispute go back to the distant past. British colonialists created a “divide and rule” policy that separated and marginalized these regions. A struggle between farmers and pastoralists for available land had intensified tensions in Darfur. The Sudanese government used a rebellion by the Darfurian people to carry out their own agenda of ethnic cleansing. The government militias have displaced more than two million people from the Darfur region. Most of the people of Darfur fled their homes because of the war, and hundreds of thousands of refugees fled to neighboring Chad. Others remained displaced within their homeland. Most of the displaced have been in the camps for many years, dependent on humanitarian organizations for food, drink, and medication. The war in Darfur is known globally as the worst humanitarian disaster of the new century. The media has brought this conflict to the world’s attention and the international community has taken notice. The United Nations has stepped in to support the victims of Darfur. The International Criminal Court is now investigating crimes against humanity and seeks to punish those who created this conflict. However, the current Sudanese government refuses to cooperate with the international community to attempt to resolve this conflict. Peace agreements between the Darfurian rebels and the Sudanese government in the past have failed. Despite all efforts to do otherwise, the violence against the Darfurian people continues.
