"Cost-a-lot of Evictions and Displacement: MEDA's Role in Community Org" by Henna Gandhi

Date of Graduation

Spring 5-19-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Urban Affairs


College of Arts and Sciences


Political Science

First Advisor

Patrick Murphy

Second Advisor

Timothy Redmond


In February 1995, the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act (AB1164) was passed in California. Developed by two Democratic state policymakers, Senator Jim Costa and Assemblymember Phil Hawkins, the act encompassed both Senate Bill 1257 and Assembly Bill 1169 (Goldberg 2, 2018). The Costa-Hawkins Act was a vacancy decontrol legislation that overruled strict rent control measures in cities across California. In combination with rent control and Costa-Hawkins, the passage of the Ellis Act (1985) by state legislators further contributed to the affordable housing crisis. With the current affordable housing crisis, I turn to community- based organizations (CBOs) who provide housing solutions for marginalized communities who have been impacted by the Costa-Hawkins and Ellis Acts. For my research project, I studied the Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) and its housing programs as tools/methods to overcome, challenge, or address the effects of the Costa-Hawkins and Ellis Acts in the Mission District. My capstone project poses the question: How do MEDA and other CBOs interrupt, challenge, or address the effects of the Costa-Hawkins and Ellis Acts in the Mission District? The three recommendations I proposed, in the end, can serve as fundamental tools/resources for other CBOs and local governments to build more affordable housing and continue to support marginalized communities until the Costa-Hawkins and Ellis Acts are repealed.
