"She Se Puede: Exploring the Career Development of Latinas in the San " by Brittney Varela

Date of Graduation

Spring 5-15-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in International Studies (MAIS)


College of Arts and Sciences


International Studies

First Advisor

Christina Garcia Lopez

Second Advisor

Lucia Cantero


The professional identities of Latinas in the United States have undergone some major changes in recent times. As women and ethnic minorities, Latinas are a part of two underrepresented groups facing inequities in the workforce. This research focuses on the career development of ten Latinas in the San Francisco Bay area, with their stories and experiences publicized on a public podcast. She Se Puede podcast consists of ten episodes recorded at the University of San Francisco, discussing career development and major factors that limit the professional advancement of Latinas. This applied project was designed around scholarly research and in-person interviews, with the intent to identify common themes and experiences in the professional journeys of the Latinas taking part in this study. This podcast has reached listeners globally, and is aimed towards empowering the next generation of Latinas to create change not only in the United States workforce, but on an international level. The results of this research demonstrate that while Latinas expressed frustration with the inequities they face in the workforce, they have been able to advance professionally despite the presence of institutional inequality.


She Se Puede podcast can be found on Spotify and Apple with the following links:

She Se Puede Pod- Apple

She Se Puede Pod- Spotify
