"Humanistic Approach vs. Technological Approach: Accelerate Language Le" by Alex M. Lopez

Date of Graduation

Fall 12-16-2016

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)


School of Education


Teaching English as a Second Language

First Advisor

Luz Navarrette Garcia


Technology continues to spread throughout the world, and it seems that this trend will continue for some time. Many students have been left behind because the focus has been largely on viewing computer screens and communicating without the use of a voice, through text messages and chatting.

This project is based on the humanistic approach, and it is designed to promote activities that involve group work, taking the students outside of the classroom, and building a familial support system within the classroom by promoting class chemistry.

The project outlines activities that involve more communication and collaborative activities because these enable students to acquire the target language with more ease, and they prevent everyone from being isolated on a computer screen.

The project will also help eliminate anxiety by taking the classroom outside, where the target language is more naturally used in “real-life” circumstances to build critical thinking skills and let them explore the language by speaking to native-born speakers. This is designed to help students encourage each other so that they can understand each other and native English speakers.

Lastly, the project was intentional in wanting to build a more unified classroom so that everyone feels a part of it. In doing so, this curriculum will help to reduce shyness and other elements that hinder the success of attaining a new language. Teachers and students alike will benefit from this project because it creates a new form of excitement that should be utilized to gain confidence, newfound energy, and a delightful unified class atmosphere that is missing in language learning courses.
