"Videoconferencing for Improved Access to Care" by Alana L. Hernandez

Date of Graduation

Fall 12-14-2015

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions

First Advisor

Elena Capella

Second Advisor

Carlee Stewart


The aim of this project is to increase the amount of education visits completed by pharmacy nurses in an outpatient infusion clinic for patients receiving 5-fluoracil chemotherapy. Two approaches have been applied: securing additional nursing staff; and implementing a telehealth delivery system that utilizes asynchronous video and videoconferencing. The intervention will employ an internet-based application to secure a videoconferencing session between patients and nurses that are 25 miles apart; and offer a patient education video that will be used and an adjunct to videoconferencing. Microsystem data obtained by auditing schedules and patient charts showed pharmacy nurses completed 0% of pharmacy-patient education visits between July and August of 2015. A second set of data included audits of patient satisfaction scores and pharmacy troubleshooting logs that indicated patients were highly satisfied with usual care (average score reported 4.7/5) and had little trouble managing their infusion pump at home (2 calls in 6 months). Implementation is currently underway. After two months, all data sets will be reassessed using the same methods and compared using a paired T-test. It is projected that the number of visits will increase by at least 30% and that satisfaction scores and teaching efficacy remain stable. This project furthers current knowledge on technology as a healthcare delivery method, as well as information on nurse-led technology implementation efforts.

AlanaHernandez.Poster.pdf (1039 kB)
Poster Presentation
