"Improving Patient Medication Reconciliation Participation and Complian" by Maria Elena Herrera

Date of Graduation

Fall 12-18-2015

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions

First Advisor

Karin Blais, MSN, RN, CNL

Second Advisor

Elena Capella, EdD, MSN, MPA, RN, CNL, CPHQ, LNCC

Third Advisor

Mary S. Seed, PhD, RN, CNL



The healthcare world is complex. At the center of this world are patients and their safety. Medication knowledge and medication reconciliation compliance are factors that influence patient’s safety and their overall health outcomes. This project explores the theme of patient safety by examining the relationship between patient education and health outcomes. The microsystem, located in the heart of San Francisco, is an outpatient clinic specializing in patients with renal impairment that each diverse and unique. A pre-implementation survey found that only 38% of patients were bringing their medications to appointments. A goal of improving compliance to 50% by December 2015 was set. By educating patients about the importance of their medications and the medication process, patients will be empowered to make informed health decisions and the possibility of suffering a medication error or adverse event will be decreased, ultimately, reducing their risk of emergency room visits or even death. An educational pamphlet was created, distributed as well as a visual poster that was placed in the waiting room as a visual cue. After implementing the project, medication reconciliation compliance increased from 38% to 40%. Although the goal was not reached, the results show that change is possible.

Keywords: patient education, medication safety, medication reconciliation, patient-centered care, patient autonomy, reducing medication errors

Included in

Nursing Commons
