Date of Graduation

Spring 5-18-2024

Document Access

Restricted Project/Capstone - USF access only

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Asia Pacific Studies (MAPS)


College of Arts and Sciences


Asia Pacific Studies

First Advisor

Professor Genevieve Leung

Second Advisor

Professor Melissa Dale


This capstone is an investigation of Asia Society Northern California’s educational programs about the Asia Pacific region. As one of Asia Society’s sixteen global centers, the Northern California Center in San Francisco has curated public programming involving policy, business, innovation, education, and arts/culture since its founding in 1998. Given the existing literature’s primary focus on Asia Society’s think tank and museum initiatives in New York City and Washington DC, this project identifies how Asia Society Northern California represents the Asia Pacific specifically through its programs. A content analysis of the organization’s program titles and descriptions from 2019 to 2023 shows that Asia Society Northern California’s representations of the Asia Pacific differ across different levels of program exclusivity, but disproportionately feature East Asian nations and dominantly narratives of competition and conflict involving the Asia Pacific and the United States. These findings are contrasted against critical academic conceptualizations of the Asia Pacific to highlight the organization’s disproportionate focus on East Asia and international relations. In light of these conclusions, this capstone seeks to provide insights to both the organization and related professionals on how to critically engage with the Asia Pacific.

Available for download on Monday, June 22, 2026

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