Date of Graduation

Spring 5-18-2024

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Environmental Management (MSEM)


School of Management


Environmental Management

First Advisor

Simon Scarpetta


Excessive amounts of hazardous materials and waste are released into the environment from transportation incidents. The United States federal government has regulations on the movement of hazardous material and waste during transportation, but preventing environmental releases is not a major priority. Multiple external factors influence the release of hazardous material and waste into the environment. Transportation incidents can be prevented by modifying the information collected in emergency reports, adjusting transportation patterns and conditions, and expressing negative environmental impacts, preparing responder efforts to communicate effectively. The components of previous hazardous materials and waste releases emphasize the needed improvements for increasing environmental resiliency through a SWOT analysis, GIS, and descriptive statistical analysis. These interfaces were utilized to focus on the initial stages of the emergency response process, identify frequent locations of hazardous releases from transportation incidents, and highlight the most susceptible environments. It was discovered that agencies’ reporting documentation lacked environmentally conscious sections to reflect the transportation incidents, structural reinforcements and designated routes should be implemented to reduce transportation incidents, and a standardized categorization must be established to communicate the movement of the most commonly released hazardous material and waste. Limiting releases of hazardous materials and wastes will increase environmental resiliency from transportation incidents overall, but requires federal intervention in each stage to decrease susceptibility and vulnerability of hazardous releases and limit the stress anthropogenic behaviors impose on the environment.


