Date of Graduation

Spring 5-17-2024

Document Access

Restricted Project/Capstone - USF access only

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions


MSN project

First Advisor

Jennifer Zesati


Problem In a comprehensive analysis at Hospital A, attention was directed toward two medical-surgical floors, A1 and A2, that reported compliance rates for pre- and post-pain assessment documentation below the satisfactory threshold of 90% for the quarterly report of February 2024. Therefore, the interventions highlight the critical need for adherence to opioid administration policies to ensure patient safety and effective pain management. Context Hospital A's medical-surgical unit in the Bay Area is known for comprehensive care, actively focusing on effective pain management as part of its critical services through meticulous attention and coordination to deliver patient-centered care and ensure safety. Interventions The interventions include reminders through index-sized cards, flyers, huddles, and posters to ensure criteria compliance with pain documentation and provide self-assessment instructions, enabling staff to monitor their compliance rates and improve them to satisfactory levels. Measures The post-intervention survey at Hospital A, consistent with the baseline survey's format, was conducted over two weeks to gauge the effectiveness of interventions, chart auditing and quarterly data for April methods were also employed to review outcomes. Results The April report indicates that Unit A1's pre-assessment compliance decreased by 7% to 61.5%, while post-assessment slightly increased by 0.9% to 89.6%. In contrast, Unit A2 showed improvements, with pre-assessment rising by 6.3% to 76.7% and post-assessment by 3.5% to 88.7%. Conclusions The chart auditing results and quarterly data of April reports show progress towards satisfactory rate, emphasizing the need for sustained enhancements and standardized practices through regular updates, audits, and collaborative reviews.

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