"Lymphedema Education Toolkit" by Lizet Campos

Date of Graduation

Spring 5-17-2024

Document Access

Restricted Project/Capstone - USF access only

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions


MSN project

First Advisor

Dr. Nneka Chukwu, DNP-HCSL, MBA, NEA-BC, RN, CLNC


Problem: The quality improvement project aimed to assess and enhance the nurse coordinator's knowledge of lymphedema.

Context: Nursing students conducted a microsystem assessment at Hospital X’s outpatient clinic in the Bay Area. The microsystem cares for patients undergoing cancer treatment who are at risk for lymphedema.

Interventions: Students created a pre-and post-survey and an educational toolkit to administer to the clinics' nurse coordinating staff.

Measures: After completing a microsystem assessment, students administered a pre-survey to assess nurse coordinators' knowledge, gave staff ten minutes to review the educational tool, and then administered the post-survey to assess whether staff gained knowledge.

Results: Students developed and administered pre- and post-assessment surveys to analyze the efficacy of the lymphedema educational toolkit amongst nurse coordinators at Hospital X Women's Cancer Center. Six nurse coordinators participated in the pre-and post-assessment, results showed a 12% increase in knowledge. The toolkit can have a positive impact on nurse coordinators' knowledge and improve education for patients at risk for lymphedema.

Conclusions: Standardized lymphedema education is crucial for better patient outcomes. This project found that the educational toolkit improved nurse coordinators' knowledge of lymphedema. The toolkit should be updated with new evidence to sustain its effectiveness.

Keywords: Lymphedema, lymphedema education, healthcare provider knowledge, lymphedema treatment.

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