Date of Graduation

Winter 12-15-2023

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions


MSN project

First Advisor

Nneka Chukwu, DNP-HCSL, MBA, CLNC, CNL


Problem: The Quality Improvement (QI) Project focused on improving early sepsis management and sepsis bundle adherence among Emergency Department (ED) nurses to decrease sepsis mortality rates and avoidable length of hospital stays (LOS).

Context: A group of Clinical Nurse Leaders (CNL) students evaluated sepsis protocol compliance at Hospital A's ED, which provides critical care for patients with various medical conditions. The CNL students concentrated on patients identified with sepsis for the QI Project.

Interventions: Limitations and time did not allow for the implementation of interventions. Recommendations offered to management included increasing sepsis training biannually and intravenous placement skills, offering sepsis badge reels for nurses, and establishing a standardization specifically for the Emergency Department to improve sepsis compliance rates.

Measures: Once sepsis management was reviewed, the students developed pre-intervention questions to identify barriers and areas of improvement within the microsystem. In the post-intervention review, the staff would determine the effectiveness of the recommended details.

Results: The participants highlighted gaps in sepsis bundle compliance and workflow. They reported that 29.3% of nurses did not attend or know of sepsis training, and 46.3% did not receive remedial training after failed compliance. Also, 27.4% mentioned IV access, 24.7% said lack of beds, and 11% stated delayed orders created barriers to applying the protocol correctly.

Conclusions: The data collected revealed gaps in education and knowledge on sepsis compliance, and 42% of participants believe a sepsis protocol revision is necessary.
