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Communication Studies

Research Abstract

While COVID-19 has undeniably impacted numerous amounts of people worldwide in an infinite amount of ways, one particular experience stands out: the experience of the digital natives, specifically college-aged digital natives. Generation Z has long been defined by their familiarity with technology and "addiction" to social media, and because the oldest members of Gen Z in the U.S. are now in college, it is crucial to explore how social media use has redefined itself in this historical period of time. As a member of this demographic, this research takes a hands-on approach on understanding how and why Generation Z college students are using social media platforms to cope with COVID-19 and other related issues (movements, violence, and normative shifts spread through social media), as well as how Generation Z responds to certain pillars of popular content.

Faculty Mentor/Advisor

Marthinus van Loggerenberg

Available for download on Wednesday, February 01, 2040


May 7th, 12:00 AM May 10th, 12:00 AM

Lessons in Social Media Coping & COVID-19

While COVID-19 has undeniably impacted numerous amounts of people worldwide in an infinite amount of ways, one particular experience stands out: the experience of the digital natives, specifically college-aged digital natives. Generation Z has long been defined by their familiarity with technology and "addiction" to social media, and because the oldest members of Gen Z in the U.S. are now in college, it is crucial to explore how social media use has redefined itself in this historical period of time. As a member of this demographic, this research takes a hands-on approach on understanding how and why Generation Z college students are using social media platforms to cope with COVID-19 and other related issues (movements, violence, and normative shifts spread through social media), as well as how Generation Z responds to certain pillars of popular content.