"Going with the flow: Using menstrual education as a tool for empowerin" by GraceAnn L. Cadiz

Date of Graduation

Spring 5-2017

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in International and Multicultural Education (IME)


School of Education


International and Multicultural Education (IME)

First Advisor

Monisha Bajaj

Second Advisor

Susan Katz


Global discourse and research evidence on the benefits of girl’s education show that prioritizing girl’s education is the most successful strategy of breaking the cycle of poverty, gender inequality, and overpopulation. Moreover, there is a growing interest in closing the gender gap in education, but there has been insufficient attention to the specific needs of girls experiencing menses or menarche within schooling environments. The beginning of menstruation represents a pivotal event in development of the adolescent girl but is under-recognized and deemed insignificant with a culture of silence present throughout the rest of their lives. While providing access to education is only part of the problem, the main interest lies in obstacles surrounding girls and their education. This paper strives to evaluate the impact of current knowledge, school experiences, and traditional education of menstruation on post-pubescent Nepalese girls. Results indicated that girls are met with many challenges. Oftentimes, girls are presented with social taboos, gender expectations, and marriage above continuing their education. Girls are transitioning through puberty with inadequate guidance and education on this pivotal developmental stage, physiological changes, or how to properly and hygienically manage their bodily menstruation with confidence. In this study, girls have realistic recommendations of how to improve school environments and incorporate different approaches to learning menstruation for young girls. Ultimately, girls have the pragmatic suggestions on how to improve school retention, develop self-confidence, and empower other girls in order to be period proud.
