"Evolution of a Nation after a Dictatorship: How Law, Politics and Soc" by Jonathan A. Fein Proaño

Date of Graduation

Winter 12-18-2015

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in International Studies (MAIS)


College of Arts and Sciences


International Studies

First Advisor

Prof. Olivier Bercault

Second Advisor

Dr. Dana Zartner


In 1973, Uruguay’s president authored a coup d’état with the military and changed the history and fabric of Uruguay. Once democracy returned to Uruguay in 1985, it was a chance to see if an evolution of the law, politics and society would occur. This thesis aims to analyze and understand the patterns of change and de-evolution or evolution that happened during the dictatorship and then over the last 30 years. I break down the process of changes that happened legally and politically, how the dictatorship and its leaders used law to destroy rule of law, and how society changed.

This thesis assesses the multiple historical aspects and points of view of what happened during the dictatorship, and what happened from 1985 until today. Finally, I presents an alternate approach to the potential evolution that Uruguay underwent by looking at the correlation of dictatorship and memory.
