Date of Graduation

Spring 5-18-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Migration Studies


College of Arts and Sciences


Migration Studies

First Advisor

Melisa Garcia



Environmental changes are driven by global warming, such as rising temperatures, melting ice, and increased natural disasters which directly affect the living conditions of huma thereby driving migration. This study highlights the inadequacies of current migration management policies as the United States is seeing a significant influx of migrants from Central America. The focus of this discourse analysis is on the role of inadequate policies and the failure of international efforts like the Paris Climate Agreement in addressing the issue of climate-induced migration effectively. Despite the goals set by such international agreements to mitigate the effects of climate change and limit global warming, the El Progreso Blog post exposes the effect of climate change and how it causes forced displacement with thousands displaced annually from Honduras. Qualitative analysis was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Paris Climate Agreement and other related policies in managing climate migration with the lens of the Environmental Migration Theory and the Political Ecology Theory. Focusing on Honduras, the research scrutinizes the impact of these international policies on Central American migration patterns, assessing their success and shortcomings. The findings underscore the glaring omission of Climate migrants and migration in the Paris Agreement, and this speaks to the non-recognition of climate migrants as refugees. It is therefore important to have comprehensive policy reform to better manage climate-induced migration. Conclusively, the study adds to the much needed academic discourse on climate migration, providing detailed insights into policy failures and recommending improvements. It aims to foster international cooperation among policymakers and stakeholders involved in migration management and robust policy frameworks to tackle the increasing challenges of climate-induced migration effectively.
