Date of Graduation

Spring 5-18-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Environmental Management (MSEM)


College of Arts and Sciences


Environmental Management

First Advisor

Aviva Rossi


In an era of rapid technological innovation, managing electronic waste (E-waste) is an increasing challenge globally. African countries are increasingly becoming the key destination of electronic waste due to two primaries factors which are the emergence of unregulated private markets from international and domestic recycling loopholes and stricter regulations on E-waste import and recycling methods in Asian countries like China and India. This study focuses on the complexities surrounding electronic waste (E-waste) in Ghana and provides management recommendations to mitigate the environmental health consequences. Using a qualitative method and peer-reviewed journals, this study investigates the current state of E-waste management practices, analyzes the impact on local communities and ecosystems, and evaluates the effectiveness of existing policies. The findings not only reveal the connection between improper disposal, environmental contamination, and potential health risks but also the low-level of awareness among the communities and the weakness of the regulatory framework in Ghana. This research provides valuable insights on sustainable E-waste management strategies, offering a foundation for policymakers and fostering awareness about responsible electronic consumption in Ghana. Regulatory frameworks, paired with health risk monitoring and public awareness programs need to be developed and enforced.
