"Silent Weapon: A documentary on ending police corruption in Nigeria wi" by Damilola Adesanya

Date of Graduation

Spring 5-19-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in International Studies (MAIS)


College of Arts and Sciences


International Studies

First Advisor

Stephen Zunes

Second Advisor

John Zarobell


This documentary aims to examine the issue of police corruption in Nigeria and see how a nonviolent movement can be implemented to end this problem. The focus is on nonviolent movements like the #ENDSARS was used to bring change where there seemed to be no hope. There have been many accounts of the experiences of the citizens of Nigeria when it comes to police corruption. Unfortunately, a lot of these situations have gone untold. Some Nigerians believe there is no way to stop the police from being corrupt, as it has been going on for too long. Many citizens feel helpless and try to find ways to cope with their reality. This study helps answer why police corruption is a major issue in Nigeria and also see what steps can be taken to change the daily reality of Nigerian residents with police corruption.

This documentary also sheds light on the day-to-day experiences citizens of Nigeria have with the police concerning corruption. It focuses on the definition of corruption and what steps have been taken in the past to the present to bring about change in Nigeria. There needs to be more research on how the police department has taken steps to address police corruption. This documentary shows that there are very few benefits police officers receive. Shedding light on corruption will help spread awareness of what occurs in Nigeria. By studying the #ENDSARS movements in Nigeria in 2020, one can see how such a movement can be implemented in Nigeria to end police corruption. This documentary examines the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a violent or nonviolent movement to address corruption.

It took over five months to conduct the research, which heavily relies on interviews, personal experiences, and previous research. As a potential solution, this documentary proposes that there must be unity amongst Nigerian police officers and citizens for a nonviolent social movement to reduce police corruption. This movement must include benefits for police officers. In addition, corruption is not a police problem but rather a Nigerian problem due to poverty.
