"Testimonios of Cultural Wealth: Racial and Ethnic Identity Development" by Amanda Montez

Date of Graduation

Spring 5-21-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in International and Multicultural Education (IME)


School of Education


International and Multicultural Education (IME)

First Advisor

Rosa M. Jimenez, Ph.D.


My goal for this study was to study the experiences of Latina/o/x youth as they transition from a middle school that serves Communities of Color to Historically White High Schools. I wanted to know how the change of community impacted participants’ understanding of their racial and ethnic identity. Through testimonios, the five participants question the nuances of race and ethnicity, convey the need for educators to challenge existing structures of oppression, and recognize their moral obligation to be part of the movement for racial justice. Utilizing the frameworks of Community Cultural Wealth and Critical Race Theory, I center the lived experiences of Latina/o/x youth. With the use of testimonios, critical reflection, and anti-racist pedagogy, justice can begin.
