Date of Graduation

Spring 5-21-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in International Studies (MAIS)


The status and challenges faced by the Coptic Community is an issue that is often overlooked, especially inside Egypt. Over the decades, Copts have managed to maneuver various socio-political challenges as a minority and ensure the continued survival of the community despite the issues faced. When analysed, the community is often viewed through the prism of the Coptic Church and its relationship with the state. The Coptic community however, is not a monolith and the multitude of different kinds of Copts within the country requires a look into the different issues that face them to best understand their lived experiences and response to adversity. The Coptic community today is growing both inside and outside of Egypt, with churches serving the diaspora as far away as Japan, Brazil and Australia. It is essential that the status and issues faced by this ancient community are analysed to better understand the contemporary challenges facing the Middle East and North Africa’s biggest minority population.

Available for download on Friday, December 05, 2025

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