"Minority Student Food Insecurity in Higher Education" by Joe Sevillano

Date of Graduation

Fall 12-11-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Organization and Leadership (O&L)


School of Education


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Seenae Chong


The minority student population in higher education has been affected by food insecurity at a disproportionate rate. Several studies have captured some of the issues associated with the material deficit but fail to identify more in-depth contributing factors. Using the theoretical framework of intersectionality, the researcher examines the experience, interpretation, and navigation of food insecurity in a medium-sized university located in a major city on the west coast. The researcher interviewed three students that self-identified as having multiple minority identities and experiencing some level of food insecurity while pursuing a degree. Findings from three rounds of interviews gave further context to participant’s decision-making and their journey toward seeking a degree through the creation of a narrative. Through these interviews, the following themes are explored: the university as a racial structure, identity as a barrier to resource use, and how to best tailor adequate interventions for student use.
