"Revision of Student Learning Expectations in the Context of Relationsh" by Mary McKeever

Date of Graduation

Spring 5-15-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Nonprofit Administration (MNA)


School of Education



First Advisor

Dr. Jane Bleasdale

Second Advisor

Dr. Alex McMillan



Saint Philip’s Catholic School is situated in the Noe Valley in San Francisco, an expensive residential area of the city. It is currently in the process of preparing for a midcycle visit from WASC/WCEA, the accreditation body for Catholic schools. During its most recent accreditation process, revision of the Schoolwide Learning Expectations (SLEs) was identified as a goal. The Report of Findings noted this as “Annual review and revision of the SLEs by all community shareholders.” (ISL 2012, p. 16). Feedback from faculty also indicated that there was a need for the SLEs to be revised, so that they would resonate with all members of the community and become more relatable to the students. Comments about the current SLEs referred to them as “limiting,” and “not concrete enough for students to grasp.” This action research project examined the current SLEs in light of the extent to which they reflect the framework of relationships that are central to the students’ spiritual, academic, emotional and social development. Data from written responses, an online survey, and listening sessions were collected from faculty, staff, parents, and students. While the results indicated that the current SLEs somewhat reflect the framework of relationships, the data also provided suggestions to improve these, including a revision of descriptors that would support spiritual, academic, emotional and social development. Findings also indicated that the expectations should be applicable not just to students but should be extended to include all members of the learning community.

APPENDIX A.docx (807 kB)
Student Learning Expectations - Kindergarten through 2nd Grade

Appendix B.docx (382 kB)
Written Questions

SLE Survey (6).pdf (2502 kB)
Student Survey

Appendix D.docx (14 kB)
Revised Schoolwide Learning Expectations

Appendix E.docx (15 kB)
Rationale for SLE Revisions
