"Into The Red: A Look into the Reasons Why Refugees Decide to Flee, Set" by Fadeelah E. Holivay

Date of Graduation

Fall 12-12-2014

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in International Studies (MAIS)


College of Arts and Sciences


International Studies

First Advisor

Stephen Zunes


This research paper explores some of the main reasons why refugees and asylum seekers, particularly from sub-Saharan African countries, embark on a journey and decide to settle, flee or migrate to and from Morocco. Because of this phenomenon, Morocco has seen a 96% increase of refugees migrating to the borders of Morocco each year for the past three years. Many say that this astonishing increase of migrants choosing Morocco is due to such factors as: wars breaking out regionally across central African and Middle Eastern countries causing them to flee; Morocco being a culturaly diverse francophone country whose laws and policies are accepting to foreigners and it’s economy has become more prosperous as it develops towards liberal views seen in western countries, which makes them want to settle; and due to Morocco’s proximity to Europe many refugees and asylum seekers use it as a transit country to cross over into European territories, which ultimately makes them want to migrate from Morocco. This new migration trend, however poses many obstacles for Morocco’s still developing refuee laws a well as Intternational migration laws when they look at what actually constitutes as a refugee or an asylum seeker
