"The Triangular Diplomatic Relationship between South and North Korea a" by Miri In

Date of Graduation

Spring 5-17-2019

Document Type

Restricted Thesis - USF access only

Degree Name

Master of Arts in International Studies (MAIS)


College of Arts and Sciences


Interdisciplinary Studies

First Advisor

John Zarobell


Since South Korea and North Korea have been in political and military confrontation since the Korean War, North Korea has developed nuclear weapons to guarantee its regime. Although South Korea and the United States have endeavored to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue, the denuclearization in the Korean peninsula has not improved. Under the circumstance, this study considers the North Korean nuclear crisis within the time period starting when South Korea implemented its North Korea policy of active engagement and examines the strategic behavior of three parties over three time periods in accordance with the transformation of its administration and regime. In addition, Putman’s “two-level game” was applied to analyze how domestic and external factors affected actors’ negotiation. Domestic factors include transformation in the government or regime, changes of the leading group of negotiators, and domestic public opinion. From the analysis, we find how the various circumstances and perspectives of them have affected the negotiations and what implications can be drawn for the ongoing negotiation. My research concludes the South Korean and U.S. governments can achieve more effective results through active communication and sharing of information on North Korea issues. Additionally, as accumulated distrust is a stumbling block to the negotiations, North Korea should take steps to gain the trust from South Korea and the United States.

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