Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Summer 7-2023
Critical library instruction draws from Freirean pedagogy in which students engage in dialogic learning. As such, librarians who strive to bring critical pedagogy into libraries must build their capacity to facilitate dialogue. Drawing from both intergroup dialogue pedagogy and multi-partial mediation, this chapter will outline tools for facilitating dialogue in library instruction. Intergroup dialogue is a scaffolded four stage model in which participants build community norms and communication skills, engage with social identity, apply communication skills to conversations about power, and strategize next steps for building solidarity. In contrast to neutrality, multi-partial mediation names and attempts to address power dynamics while simultaneously including participation from both parties. Without an analysis of power, both mediation and dialogue can re-enforce oppressive power dynamics. By drawing from the critical frames of both multi-partial mediation and intergroup dialogue pedagogy, this chapter will help librarians build capacity for facilitating transformative conversations in the classroom.
Recommended Citation
Gilgan, A. (2023). Facilitation skills for critical library instruction. In Y. Mery & A. Sanchez (Eds.), The critical librarianship and pedagogy symposium: Reflections, revisions, and new works. Critical Librarianship and Pedagogy Symposium, Chicago, Illinois. Association of College and Research Libraries.
Book chaper in The critical librarianship and pedagogy symposium: Reflections, revisions, and new works. Critical Librarianship and Pedagogy Symposium