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Publication Date
Spring 4-5-2024
Critical library instruction strives to engage students in dialogic learning while unpacking power dynamics. How can librarians facilitate learning spaces that encourage dialogue? Whether facilitating a difficult conversation or a low risk discussion, it is necessary to first build the foundation for dialogue. This interactive session will explore ways librarians can incorporate facilitation techniques borrowed from Intergroup Dialogue (IGD) into the classroom and other group settings. Through a social justice lens, participants will be invited to reflect on the scaffolding necessary for class discussion and practice techniques for increasing learner engagement. This session is hosted by the Southern California Instruction Librarians Interest Group.
Recommended Citation
Gilgan, Amy, "Facilitation Skills for Critical Library Instruction (presentation)" (2024). Gleeson Library Faculty and Staff Research and Scholarship. 57.
Invited presentation at the California Academic & Research Libraries (CARL) 2024 conference