
Volume 25, Number 1 (2023)

From the Editor

This new issue of the JHLT mainly revolves around Jean-Pierre Ruiz's Revelation in the Vernacular (Orbis, 2021). The papers herein were originally presented at a session during the 2022 convention of the American Academy of Religion. The discussion was led by Professor Jacqueline Hidalgo (Williams College). Two other articles and several book reviews complete this issue of our journal. My sincere thanks to Prof. Hidalgo for organizing the discussion on Ruiz's important book, as well as to the several participants whose texts are included here.

My thanks too to authors Cecilia Titizano and Rafael Nieves-Rosario for their texts, and to the book reviewers, for their contributions to this issue.


After five years, my term as chief editor of the JHLT comes to an end with the present Spring issue of the journal. A new chief editor has been appointed by the board of directors of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the U.S. (ACHTUS) to begin with the Fall 2023 issue. Professor Melissa Pagán, of Mt. St. Mary's University in Los Angeles, will become chief editor as of June 1, 2023. We welcome her and thank her for taking on this important role!

As some readers will remember, I founded this journal back in 1993, and was its initial chief editor during its first six years. In 2018, the ACHTUS board again invited me to lead the JHLT, which I have gladly done during these past five years.

As my term ends, I want to take this opportunity to very publicly and sincerely thank all the members of the Editorial Board, especially Professors María Teresa Dávila and Rebecca Berrú-Davis, who have served as associate and book reviews editors, respectively. Without them and the other members of the Editorial Board, the JHLT could not have continued its service to Latinoax scholarship in theology and religious studies.

My sincerest thanks also to Prof. Jane C. Redmont, the journal's copy editor. Her superb work and remarkable attention to every text detail have been indispensable during these last five years. My thanks too to all who anonymously served as referees during these five years. And again, my gratitude to Prof. Melissa Pagán. The JHLT will be guided by sound and strong leadership for the coming years.

The JHLT will continue serving as a “must read” publication for understanding, exploring, and developing Latinoax theologies and religious studies.

Orlando O. Espín

University of San Diego

Chief Editor



Editorial Board
Orlando Espín


From the Editor
Orlando Espín


About the JHLT
Orlando Espín


A Note on Terminology
Orlando Espín


Book Reviews