This essay explores a Human Rights Education (HRE) project that was initiated in the urban slums of Nairobi. The HRE project was combined with photovoice to support participants in the project to become empowered and make lasting change within their communities. The project took place within a pro-gram for young mothers called the Bright Star Initiative. Through 12 weeks of training, these young moms learned about human rights principles, how to apply them to their lives, and how to advocate for change utilizing a human rights framework. The project led to multiple interventions that are currently supporting the populations in these areas. The main goal of the project was to disrupt the oppressive forces that continue to subjugate, exploit, and dehumanize these young mothers.
Recommended Citation
Mango, D. (2023). Becoming a Bright Star Through Human Rights Education: (Re)humanization Through Participation. International Journal of Human Rights Education, 7(1). Retrieved from https://repository.usfca.edu/ijhre/vol7/iss1/7