"Recommendations for Sustainable Tourism in Patagonia: An Exploratory A" by Julia K. Lowery

Date of Award

Winter 12-15-2022

Degree Type

Honors Thesis


International Studies

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


International Studies

First Advisor

John Zarobell


This thesis explores different levels of governance and its role towards actualizing sustainable tourism in Patagonia. With the growing threat of climate change, international destinations such as Patagonia are looking to continue building their tourism industries in a sustainable way. Through analyzing case studies of national governance in Costa Rica, multi-national governance in the Nordic region, and community-based tourism in Thailand, we can better understand how each form of governance has the potential to create a sustainable tourism industry. With this understanding of successful governance in my case studies, as well as understanding the historical and political forces that have shaped Patagonia, this thesis will make recommendations for how Patagonia can further enact sustainable tourism. These three forms of governance mentioned are lacking in Patagonia with respect to sustainable tourism. National governance is lacking in both Chile and Argentina to make the necessary changes to mitigate climate change and facilitate sustainable tourism. A multinational approach has largely been absent where there are opportunities for Chile and Argentina to collaborate on environmental issues, particularly in Patagonia. The community-based approach could be further developed in small towns in Patagonia. Each level of governance is explored and shown to benefit Patagonia’s tourism industry and approach to climate change.
