"Utilizing Group Prenatal Care to Support Underserved Pregnant Women" by Kathleen Shrader

Date of Graduation

Summer 8-16-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


School of Nursing and Health Professions




Family Nurse Practitioner

First Advisor

Dr. Nancy Selix

Second Advisor

Dr. Jo Loomis



Prenatal care is a valuable time for pregnant patients to ideally receive holistic care that considers their psychosocial and physical needs. It is a vital service that decreases morbidity and mortality.


Individual prenatal care visits may not provide enough support for patients with complex psychosocial needs. Group care offers a longer visit, and education and community for pregnant women. The Native American Health Center (NAHC) offers group visits that have not been streamlined, and due to staff turnover, have left new staff under-resourced in planning visits.


A toolkit was provided to NAHC staff on how to provide group visits in an effort to provide best practice care that excites staff and patients.


Staff were provided a pre-toolkit survey that questioned their levels of knowledge of group care and their interest in providing it. They then received a toolkit on the benefits of group care, a sample group care plan, and resources for pregnant patients. They were given a post-toolkit survey to assess increases in knowledge of prenatal care and confidence in providing it.


Staff reported increased knowledge and interest in providing group care in providing group care after receiving the toolkit. Staff reported increased understanding of Oakland resources for pregnant patients.


The group care toolkit offers staff a guide for how to provide group care regardless of variables such as staff turnaround, all with the goal of providing support for pregnant patients.

Key Words

Group prenatal care, minority women, health disparities

Included in

Nursing Commons
