"Coaching Nurse Leaders in Conflict Management and Team Building to Imp" by Jeanette Black

Date of Graduation

Fall 12-13-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


School of Nursing and Health Professions




Executive Leader DNP

First Advisor

Dr. Robin Buccheri, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor Emerita

Second Advisor

Dr. Elena Capella, EdD, MSN/MPA, RN, CNL, CPHQ, LNCC, Assistant Professor



Problem: Retention of assistant nurse managers (ANMs) was identified as a concern from interviews with executive leadership and ANMs employed at a large hospital within a Northern California integrated health system. The nurse leader orientation training was reviewed, with gaps identified in conflict management and team building.

Context: The attrition rate of U.S. nurse managers in 2010 was 8.3%, higher than executive nurse leaders, with replacement costs equal to 75% - 125% of a nurse manager’s salary (Loveridge, 2017). Employee turnover and dissatisfaction due to conflict can have detrimental effects on retention, productivity, morale, and quality of patient care.

Intervention: The intervention in this project included individualized training and coaching of ANMs working in acute inpatient units.

Measures: The Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory-II, the Nurse Manager Job Satisfaction and Intent to Stay Scale, and questionnaires developed to evaluate training method, modules, and effectiveness of the DNP facilitator/coach were used to evaluate s project outcomes.

Results: ANM participants approach conflict using primarily the collaborating conflict management style. ANM job satisfaction scores improved post-intervention while intent to remain scores remained stable. All ANMs who participated in the project remained in their positions. The training was evaluated as practical, relevant, and effective, with reported increased knowledge and comfort with conflict management and team building.

Conclusions: The results suggested that “on-the-spot” experiential learning, training, and coaching had a positive effect on ANM satisfaction and retention.

Keywords: Conflict management, teambuilding, teamwork, coaching conflict management, nurse manager retention
